This is a meeting of the Council of Havant Borough Council held on the 17th Jan 2024.
The last meeting of the Council was on the 20th Nov 2024, and the next meeting will be 15th Jan 2025.
Hurstwood Room, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, Hampshire PO9 2AX
Item | Title | Minutes |
1 | Apologies for Absence |
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bowdell, Denton, Milne, Kennett, Rason, Robinson and Shimbart. |
2 | Declarations of Interests |
There were no declarations of interests from the members present relating to matters on the agenda. |
3 | Confirmation of Previous Minutes |
Minutes of Previous Meeting
RESOLVED that the minutes of the last meeting of the Council held on 22 November 2023 were approved as a correct record. |
4 | Mayor's Report |
Mayor's Report
The Mayor had nothing further to add to her published report and there were no questions from members present. |
5 | Public Speaking under Standing Orders 27.5 & 28 |
There were no public questions or requests to address Council received in accordance with the requirements of these Standing Orders. |
6 | Cabinet/Board/Committee Recommendations |
There were 2 recommendations from the Standards Committee for Council to consider at this meeting.
(1) Review of the Constitution
Councillor Turner introduced the item and recommendations to Council arising from the meeting of Standards Committee held on 12 December 2024, seeking the agreement of Full Council to revisions to the Council’s Constitution.
It was proposed by Councillor Turner and seconded by Councillor Bowerman that the recommendations made by Standards Committee be approved.
The members considered the options set out in the committee report and following a vote, Council
a. the revised Constitution for Havant Borough Council as attached to the report submitted to the Standards Committee on 12 December 2023, be adopted, in accordance with Section 9P of the Local Government Act 2000.
b. the Monitoring Officer be authorised to correct any minor typographical errors or inconsistent numbering or cross references which become evident in publishing the Constitution in its final form.
c. the Constitution be reviewed by the Standards Committee bi-annually with any recommended changes arising from its review to be submitted to Council for determination
for the reasons set out in the report submitted to the Standards Committee held on 12 December 2023.
(1) Members’ Code of Conduct
Councillor Turner introduced the item and recommendations to Council arising from the meeting of Standards Committee held on 12 December 2023, seeking the agreement of Full Council to adopt the Local Government’s Model Code of Conduct.
It was proposed by Councillor Turner and seconded by Councillor Rennie that the recommendations made by Standards Committee be approved.
The members considered the options set out in the committee report and following a vote, Council
a. the Local Government Association’s Model Code of Conduct be adopted.
b. the revised arrangements for dealing with allegations that a Member has failed to comply with the Code of Conduct be adopted; and
c. training be arranged for all Members
for the reasons set out in the report submitted to the Standards Committee held on 12 December 2024. |
7 | Dispensation for Councillor Non-Attendance at Meetings of the Authority |
Cllr Dispensation Report - Cllr Guest
Councillor Rennie, Leader of the Council, introduced a report seeking Council approval for special dispensation for Councillor Guest to be excused from attending meetings of the Council for a period up to and including the end of his current term of office, due to medical grounds.
A motion was proposed by Councillor Rennie and seconded by Councillor Keast to adopt the recommendations set out in the report for the reasons set out in the report.
Council discussed the motion in detail, including the options available to Council.
Council voted to agree the motion.
It was therefore,
1. the grant of a dispensation for Councillor Guest pursuant to section 85(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 for a period up to and including Councillor Guest’s end of his current term of office be approved;
2. Councillor Guest be granted a leave of absence for non-attendance at meetings of the Authority in that period on medical grounds; and.
3. the best wishes of the Council are conveyed to Councillor Guest at this time.
8 | Local Government & Parliamentary Boundary Review |
Parliamentary and Local Governement Boundary Report Nov 2023
Appendix A - Current and New Ward Structure Appendix B - New Ward Property Changes Councillor Rennie, Leader of the Council, introduced a report setting out how the changes to the new electoral constituency arrangements for Havant Borough Council following the Review of Parliamentary Constituencies by the Boundary Commission for England would affect the Council. The report also outlined the case for appointing a Deputy Monitoring Officer.
A motion was proposed by Councillor Rennie and seconded by Bowerman to adopt the recommendations set out in the report for the reasons set out in the report.
Council discussed the motion in detail, including the options available to Council and voted to agree the motion.
It was therefore,
1. the changes to the new electoral constituency arrangements for Havant Borough Council following the Review of Parliamentary Constituencies by the Boundary Commission for England be noted;
2. the impact of the new ward boundaries and equality of electorate for Havant Borough Council following the Local Government Boundary Review by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England be noted; and.
3. the Monitoring Officer be appointed as Deputy Electoral Registration Officer, with full powers, for Havant Borough. |
9 | Polling District & Polling Place Review |
Appendix A - Polling Places used in May 2023
Appendix B - EC Polling place review checklist templates Polling District and Polling Place Review Report 2023 V1 Councillor Rennie, Leader of the Council, introduced a report on the 2023 polling district and polling place review.
A motion was proposed by Councillor Rennie and seconded by Munday to adopt the recommendations set out in the report for the reasons set out in the report.
Council discussed the motion in detail, including the options available to Council and voted to agree the motion.
It was therefore,
1. the report on the review of polling districts and polling places following the Local Government Boundary Review of all wards in the Borough be noted; and
2. the recommended polling places and the Returning Officer’s choice of polling stations for future elections be approved.
10 | Leader's Report |
Leader of the Council
Councillor Rennie, the Leader of the Council, presented his published report and responded to questions from Councillors within the meeting. .
11 | Cabinet Lead Reports and Councillors Question Time |
Cover Sheet
Cabinet Lead for Coastal Cabinet Lead for Environmental Services Cabinet Lead for Finance Cabinet Lead for Planning, Environment Health, Climate Change inc. Water Quality Cabinet Lead for Affordable Housing, Communities & CIL Council considered the published Cabinet Lead reports.
In addition to her published report, Councillor Lloyd provided an update on
a. the Southleigh Park planning application; and
b. the provision of electronic signage about water quality on Hayling Island beaches.
The Cabinet Leads took questions from Councillors on their published reports, which were duly responded to within the meeting.
Council noted that, in view of Councillor Robinson’s absence, a written answer would be provided to a question relating to the number of youth workers currently deployed in the Borough. |
12 | Questions Under Standing Order 27.4.1 |
Cllr Questions
Cllr Questions and Answers There was one question received from Councillor Coates under the provision standing order 27.4.1, which was duly responded to within the meeting by the relevant Cabinet Leads.
A summary of the question and response is attached as an appendix to the minutes of this meeting. |
13 | Urgent Questions Under Standing Order 27.4.2 |
There were no urgent questions received from Councillors under the provision of Standing Order 27.4.2 |
15 | Special Urgency Quarterly Report |
There were no special urgency decisions for consideration by Council for this meeting. |
16 | Appointments |
RESOLVED that Councillor Harris be appointed to the Langstone Harbour Board in place of Councillor Coates. |
17 | Calendar of Meetings 2024/25 |
Annual Committee Calendar 2024-25
RESOLVED that the Calendar of meetings for 2024/25 be approved. |
18 | Acceptance of Minutes |
RESOLVED that the minutes of Committees held since the last meeting of Council be received. |
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Absent, no statistics
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
20th Nov 2024 Council
25th Sep 2024 Council
31st Jul 2024 Council
26th Jun 2024 Council (Cancelled)
20th Mar 2024 Council
28th Feb 2024 Council
17th Jan 2024 Council
22nd Nov 2023 Council
20th Sep 2023 Council
26th Jul 2023 Council
15th Jan 2025 Council
15th Jan 2025 Council
15th Jan 2025 Council
26th Feb 2025 Council
19th Mar 2025 Council
14th May 2025 Council
25th Jun 2025 Council
25th Jun 2025 Council