This is a meeting of the Council of Havant Borough Council held on the 28th Feb 2024.
The last meeting of the Council was on the 20th Nov 2024, and the next meeting will be 15th Jan 2025.
Hurstwood Room, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, Hampshire PO9 2AX
Item | Title | Minutes |
1 | Apologies for Absence |
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Denton, Guest, Payter, Raines, Sceal and Turner. |
2 | Declarations of Interests |
Flowchart Declarations of Interests
There were no declarations of interests from the members present relating to matters on the agenda. |
3 | Provisional Appointment of the Mayor for 2024/2025 |
Proposed by Councillor Weeks seconded by Councillor Shimbart, it was
RESOLVED that Councillor Peter Wade be provisionally appointed as Mayor for 2024/2025.
4 | Provisional Appointment of the Deputy Mayor for 2024/2025 |
The Mayor, in consultation with the Chief Executive, deferred consideration of the provisional appointment of the Deputy Mayor to the next meeting of Full Council.
5 | Cabinet/Board/Committee Recommendations |
Item 5 - Additonal Licensing Committee Recommendations
There were 4 recommendations for Council to consider at this meeting.
(1) Council Tax Support Scheme 2024/25
The members considered the options set out in the Cabinet report and following a vote, Council
a) agree to amend the current scheme so that the allowances and premiums used in determining entitlement for working age claims are uplifted in line with the figures applied by the Department for Works and Pensions, (DWP), for the Housing Benefit Scheme in 2024/25;
b) agree to amend the current scheme so that the non-dependant deductions used in determining entitlement for working age claims are adapted in line with the rates as set by the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities for non-dependant pension age claims;
c) approve that the Council continues to facilitate a Council Tax Support Hardship Fund;
d) approve the retention of all remaining elements of the current 2023/24 scheme; and
e) approve the necessary amendments being made to the Council Tax Support Scheme document and that it then being published in accordance with Local Government Finance Act 1992 Section 13A(2).
(2) Review of Street Trading Consent Fees
Councillor Patrick introduced the item and recommendations to Council arising from the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 16 January 2024, requesting Full Council to agree revisions to the street trading consent fees.
The members noted that no representations had been received following the public consultation exercise. Members considered the options set out in the Licensing Committee report and following a vote, Council
RESOLVED that the street trading consent fees as set out in Appendix A of the submitted Licensing Committee report be approved for implementation for the financial year commencing 1 April 2024.
(3) Review of Hackney and Private Hire Licensing Fees
The members noted that no representations had been received following the public consultation exercise. Members considered the options set out in the Licensing Committee report and following a vote, Council
RESOLVED that the hackney carriage and private hire licensing fees as set out in Appendix A of the submitted Licensing Committee report be approved for implementation for the financial year commencing 1 April 2024.
(4) Update of Community Infrastructure Levy Spending Protocol
Councillor Patel introduced the item and recommendations to Council arising from the meeting of the Planning Policy Committee held on 5 February 2024, requesting Full Council to agree changes to the Community Infrastructure Levy Spending Protocol.
Members considered the options set out in the Planning Policy Committee report and following a vote, Council
RESOLVED that the
a) the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Protocol (2024) as set out in Appendix A of the submitted Licensing Committee report be approved (Appendix A)
b) authority be delegated to the Executive Head of Place, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Lead to amend the CIL Spending Protocol following adoption, provided those changes are limited to the correction of factual errors and changes necessary to accommodate national or local changes in regulations, guidance or procedures and shall not otherwise alter the meaning of the Protocol.
c) authority be delegated to the Executive Head of Place, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Lead to prepare guidance and relevant process notes for the implementation and administration of CIL spending decisions in line with the Spending Protocol.
d) authority be delegated to the Executive Head of Place, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Lead to determine applications for spends from the Neighbourhood Portion; e) subject to the total expenditure not exceeding that set out in the Capital Spending Programme for the stated year.
f) the Local Scheme of Delegation be updated to record the delegation of authority at b) – d) above and the revocation of the earlier authorisations contained in b–g of Council minute 83/03/2021.
6 | Havant Borough Council Budget 2024/25 |
Appendix A - Revenue Budget Summary 2425
Appendix E - Earmarked Reserves 2024-25 Appendix F - Treasury Management Strategy 2425 Appendix G - Investment Strategy 2425 Appendix H - Fees and Charges 2425 Appendix I - Council Tax resolution HBC 2425 Appendix J - Business Rates 2425 Appendix K - Statement of Robustness 2425 HBC Budget Report 24-25 Full Council 28.02.24 Appendix B - MTFS General Fund Summary 24-25 to 28-29 Appendix C - HBC Capital Strategy 2024-25 to 2028-29 Appendix D - HBC Capital Programme 24-25 Item 6 - Corrigendum Council received budget speeches from:
A. Councillor Rennie, as Leader of the Council;
B. Councillor Munday, as Leader of the Labour Group; and
C. Councillor Phillipa Gray, as Leader of the Liberal Democrats Group.
Council debated the recommended budget.
In his response to issues raised during the debate, Councillor Rennie agreed to:
a) provide support for climate change in the budget every year;
b) support the creation of jobs, including “green jobs”, in all employment sectors across the Borough;
c) work with Solent Cluster to deliver green policies;
d) consider improvements to the public conveniences in South Street, Emsworth;
e) consider the extension of the opening hours of the public conveniences at Emsworth Recreation Ground;
f) provide a breakdown by ward of the 250 second homes in the Borough;
g) ensure play parks are disability friendly;
h) consider the introduction of a car parking ticket for all car parks in Hayling Island as part of the car parking review;
i) provide a link to the key performance indicator (KPI) portal; and
j) ensure that all asylum seekers are looked after in the Borough;
RESOLVED that Council:
1) approve the proposed Revenue Budget and Capital Programme for 2024-25 and set a Council Tax rate of £232.82 at Band D, representing a £6.76 increase on the current charge;
2) approve the Medium-Term Financial Strategy for the period 2024/25 to 2028/29, Capital Strategy, Investment Strategy, Treasury Management Strategy Business Rates 2024/25 and Prudential Indicators;
3) approve the Fees & Charges schedule for 2024-25;
4) approve the Council Tax Resolution, as per Appendix I;
5) approve the application of a Council Tax premium of 100% for all dwellings which are unoccupied but substantially furnished (second homes) with effect from 1st April 2025;
6) approve the drawdown of up to £500,000 from the ringfenced Leisure Contingency Reserve to be used to secure the main leisure facilities in Havant Town and Waterlooville;
7) delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer, in conjunction with the Section 151 Officer to agree terms with Horizon Leisure Trust in line with the approved drawdown; and
8) note and endorse the Statement of the S151 Officer on the robustness of the budget and the adequacy of the Council’s reserves.
In accordance with the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 and the requirements of Council Standing Order 22.6, the vote on this resolution was recorded as follows:
For the Motion:
Councillor Blades Councillor Bowdell Councillor Bowerman Councillor Brent Councillor Briggs Councillor Coates Councillor Crellin Councillor Diamond Councillor Fairhurst Councillor Philippa Gray Councillor Harris Councillor Keast Councillor Kennett Councillor Linger Councillor Lloyd Councillor Milne Councillor Munday Councillor Patel Councillor Patrick Councillor Rason Councillor Redsull Councillor Rennie Councillor Richardson Councillor Robinson Councillor Shimbart Councillor Stone Councillor Tindall Councillor Wade Councillor Weeks
Against the motion
Councillor Paul Gray
Councillors Denton, Guest, Payter, Raines, Sceal and Turner. |
Item | Title | Minutes |
0 | PART 1 (Items open for public attendance) |
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
20th Nov 2024 Council
25th Sep 2024 Council
31st Jul 2024 Council
26th Jun 2024 Council (Cancelled)
20th Mar 2024 Council
28th Feb 2024 Council
17th Jan 2024 Council
22nd Nov 2023 Council
20th Sep 2023 Council
26th Jul 2023 Council
15th Jan 2025 Council
15th Jan 2025 Council
15th Jan 2025 Council
26th Feb 2025 Council
19th Mar 2025 Council
14th May 2025 Council
25th Jun 2025 Council
25th Jun 2025 Council