This is a meeting of the Council of Havant Borough Council held on the 22nd Nov 2023.

The last meeting of the Council was on the 25th Sep 2024, and the next meeting will be 20th Nov 2024.

Meeting Status


Agenda Published


Decisions Published


Minutes Published


Meeting Location

Hurstwood Room, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, Hampshire PO9 2AX

Meeting Recordings

We know of no meeting recordings. If you know of one, let us know.


Item Title Minutes
1 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bowdell, Denton and Shimbart.

2 Declarations of Interests

Declarations of Interest were received from Councillors Coates and Turner regarding question 3 of item 11 – Questions received under Standing Order 27.4.1 in respect of The Heart of Hayling Boxing Academy whereby Councillor Coates is a member, and Councillor Turner is a trustee.


Under consultation with the Monitoring Officer the Councillors were permitted to remain in the meeting during that item.




Minute No.

Item Title

Nature of Interest

Mark Coates


Item 11 – Questions received under Standing Order 27.4.1

Councillor Coates is a member of The Heart of Hayling Boxing Academy.


As advised by the Monitoring Officer, Councillor Coates remained in the meeting and is permitted to ask his question.

Leah Turner


Item 11 – Questions received under Standing Order 27.4.1

Councillor Turner is a trustee of The Heart of Hayling Boxing Academy.


As advised by the Monitoring Officer, Cllr Turner remained in the meeting.



3 Confirmation of Previous Minutes Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the last meeting of the Council held on 20 September 2023 were approved as a correct record.

4 Mayor's Report Mayor's Report

The Mayor had nothing further to add to her published report and there were no questions from members present.

5 Public Speaking under Standing Orders 27.5 & 28 Public Questions Nov 2023

There were 3 questions received from the public under the provision of this standing order.


Mr Comlay addressed Council to ask his questions.


Councillor Rennie on behalf of Councillor Bowdell, responded to the questions within the meeting.


A list of all questions and answers are attached to the minutes for reference.

6 Cabinet/Board/Committee Recommendations Corrigendum - Item 6 - Cabinet Recommendation - Update of Capital Strategy

There were 6 Cabinet / Board / Committee recommendations for Council to consider at this meeting.  The Mayor further highlighted to members that Council had supplementary papers for the sixth matter to be considered.


(1)        Audit Committees Annual Report


Councillor Diamond, as Chairman of the committee, introduced the item and recommendations to Council arising from the meeting of Audit and Finance Committee held on 30 October 2023, giving an account of the Committee’s performance in relation to the terms of reference and the effectiveness of the Committee in meeting its’ purpose and in doing so provide assurance to the Council on the adequacy of the risk management framework and the internal control environment.


It was proposed by Councillor Diamond and seconded by Councillor Rason that the recommendation made by the Audit and Finance Committee be approved.


Members considered the options set out in the report and following a vote, Council RESOLVED to note the submitted Audit and Finance Committee Annual Report 2022/2023.



(2)        The Adoption of Street Trading Provisions – Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982

Councillor Payter, as Chairman of the committee, introduced the item and recommendation to Council arising from the meeting of Licensing Committee held on 19 October 2023 seeking approval to adopt the provisions of Part III and Schedule 4 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982.


It was proposed by Councillor Payter and seconded by Councillor Keast that the recommendation made by the Licensing Committee be approved.


Members considered the options set out in the report and following debate and a vote, Council




adopt the of provisions of Part III and scheduled 4 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 (“the act”) for Havant Borough Council administrative area and designate consent streets.

(3)        Street Trading Policy

Councillor Payter, as Chairman of the Licensing Committee, introduced the item and recommendations to Council arising from the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 19 October 2023.  The report
detailed how the Council will exercise its functions under Part III and Schedule 4 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982.


It was proposed by Councillor Payter and seconded by Councillor Keast that the recommendations made by the Licensing Committee be approved.


Members considered the options set out in the report and following debate and a vote, Council




a)      to adopt the Street Trading Policy

b)      to delegate the power to make any minor amendments to the Street Trading Policy to the Executive Head of Place in consultation with the Cabinet Lead.


(4)        Town Twinning

Councillor Rennie, as Chairman of Cabinet, introduced this item and recommendations to Council arising from the meeting of Cabinet held on 08 November 2023.  The report
outlines some shared attributes that Yavoriv Raion council has with Havant Borough ie its military background and both being similarly sized councils.

It was proposed by Councillor Rennie and seconded by Councillor Lloyd that the recommendation made by Cabinet be approved.


Members considered the options set out in the report and following debate and a vote, Council




to approve the proposed Town Twinning between the Council and Yavoriv Raion Council (????????? ???????м??) and that the Leader of the Council shall facilitate the union.



(5)         Strategic Services Commissioning – Resources to Implement

In the absence of Councillor Bowdell, Councillor Rennie, as Chairman of Cabinet, introduced this item and recommendations to Council arising from the meeting of Cabinet held on 08 November 2023 seeking a drawdown of up to £1,328,800 from the Council’s reserves to be used over a three-year period to enable the strategic commissioning of services, systems and software across the council.

It was proposed by Councillor Rennie and seconded by Councillor Sceal that the recommendations made by Cabinet be approved.


Members considered the options set out in the report and following debate and a vote, Council



(a)    approve the transfer of £1,328,800 from the Councils central reserves to a ringfenced reserve created for the strategic commissioning of services, systems and software across the Council; and

(b)    approve the draw down of up to £1,328,800 from the ringfenced reserve to be used for the strategic commissioning of services, systems and software across the Council.



(6)         Update of Capital Strategy


Councillor Rennie, as Chairman of Cabinet, introduced this item and recommendations to Council arising from the meeting of Cabinet held on 08 November 2023.  The report seeks to provide clarity on Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) spending decisions by approving a technical change to the Capital Strategy. 


It was proposed by Councillor Rennie and seconded by Councillor Robinson that the recommendations made by Cabinet be approved.


Members considered the options set out in the report and following debate and a vote, Council




a)      the Capital Strategy be amended to confirm that CIL spending decisions are governed by the separate CIL Spending Protocol March 2022;

b)      authority be delegated to the Chief Finance Officer to amend the Capital Strategy.

7 Leigh Park Vacant Shop Scheme Vacant Shop Scheme - Leigh Park
Appendix A - Map of Leigh Park Shopping Centre

Councillor Rennie, as Chairman of Cabinet, introduced this item seeking support to provide opportuity for business owners to apply for small grants that will allow them to convert vacant shop units within the Park Parade/Greywell Shopping area.


It was proposed by Councillor Rennie and seconded by Councillor Weeks that the recommendations outlined in the report be approved.


Members considered the options set out in the report and following debate and a vote, Council




1    approve the use of up to £170,000 of the Council’s Regeneration reserve to offer capital grants to businesses who wish to set up or expand in the Greywell shopping centre, and to administer the Leigh Park Vacant Shop Scheme.

2.   authorise the Section 151 Officer to amend the capital programme to approve the use of £170,000 of the Council’s Regeneration reserves for the Leigh Park Vacant Shop Scheme.

8 Leader's Report Leader of the Council - Alex Rennie

There was nothing further the Leader wished to add to his published report.


The Mayor provided Councillors an opportunity to ask questions of the Leader on his report, which were duly responded to within the meeting.

9 Cabinet Lead Reports and Councillors' Questions Time Cover Sheet
Councillor Neil Bowdell
Councillor Lulu Bowerman
Councillor Liz Fairhurst
Councillor Elizabeth Lloyd
Councillor Gwen Robinson
Councillor Q&A Questions Nov 2023

Council considered the published Cabinet Lead reports.


In addition to her published report, Councillor Lloyd provided an update on her published report in relation to the excellent customer service provided by NORSE in response to recent issues.


Councillor Lloyd pledged to investigate with officers, if the air quality outside of Warblington School could be tested in response to a question raised by Councillor Munday.


In addition to her report, Councillor Robinson updated in relation to the refurbishment of Spencer’s Field which has now started and anticipated to complete in approximately 3 weeks.


The Mayor provided Councillors an opportunity to ask questions of the Cabinet Leads on their reports under standing order 27.1, which were responded to within the meeting.

11 Questions Under Standing Order 27.4.1 Councillor Questions Nov 2023
Councillor Q&A Questions Nov 2023

There were 9 questions received from Councillors under the provision of this standing order and a summary of the questions raised and responses given is attached an as appendix to the minutes of this meeting.


Councillors were provided opportunity to ask any supplementary questions within the meeting, which were duly responded to.


Councillor Lloyd confirmed a response would be provided in writing in response to Councillor Munday’s question regarding the widening of an entrance gate at South Leigh.

12 Urgent Questions Under Standing Order 27.4.2

There were no urgent questions received from Councillors under the provision of this standing order.

13 Notice of Motions under Standing Order 14.1 2 Net Zero Homes
3 Support for Community Pharmacies

There were 3 notices of motion published for Council to consider at this meeting, the first motion was proposed by Councillor Redsull and seconded by Councillor Philippa Gray at the meeting of Councill on 20 September 2023, and which was subsequently referred to Cabinet for consideration due to the potential budget implications.


1         Making Space


Cabinet considered the motion at their meeting of 08 November 2023 and Councillor Robinson, as relevant Cabinet Lead, introduced a report which set out the reasons for the resolution that was made by Cabinet at that meeting.


It was proposed by Councillor Robinson and seconded by Councillor Payter that the recommendations made by Cabinet be approved.


Members considered the options set out in the report and following debate and a vote in which there were 6 against and 1 abstention, Council




(a)    decline funding for Making Space but reiterate the offer to support the organisation with assistance in kind.

(b)    recommend to Making Space that they bid for funding direct from the South Western Railways funding for local communities, and other funding bodies. Reiterate the offer to support the organisation with assistance in kind, including supporting the application process if necessary.


2         Net Zero Homes


The Council considered the published motion regarding Net Zero Homes proposed by Councillor Lloyd and seconded by Councillor Keast.  Following debate and a vote, Council




1.       support the further collection of evidence regarding the feasibility and viability of low carbon design and energy efficient buildings, through the use of renewable technologies such as:

                             i.         solar energy

                           ii.         air- and ground-source heat

                          iii.         grey water harvesting

                         iv.         wall and roof insulation

                           v.         orientation of buildings within layout plans

2.   support the Local Plan pursuing as aspirational a policy approach as feasibly possible to addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation, using the evidence base, which will stand up to any challenge from the development industry, and

3.   request that the Cabinet Lead for Planning and Climate Change write to government asking that the National Planning Policy Framework be updated in this regard.



3         Support for Community Pharmacies


The third and final motion seeking support for community pharmacies was withdrawn by the proposer in accordance with Standing Order 14.9.

14 Special Urgency Decisions

There were no special urgency decisions for consideration by Council for this meeting.

15 Acceptance of Minutes

Proposed by Councillor Keast and seconded by Councillor Kennett, it was


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Committees held since the last meeting of Council be received.

Meeting Attendees

Councillor Paul Gray photo
Committee Member
Councillor Paul Gray

Liberal Democrat

Present, as expected

Councillor Philippa Gray photo
Committee Member
Group Leader
Councillor Philippa Gray

Liberal Democrat

Present, as expected

Councillor Amy Redsull photo
Committee Member
Vice Chairman of Standards Committee
Councillor Amy Redsull


Present, as expected

Councillor Gillian Harris MBE photo
Committee Member
Councillor Gillian Harris MBE


Present, as expected

Councillor Mark Coates photo
Committee Member
Councillor Mark Coates


Present, as expected

Councillor Philip Munday photo
Committee Member
Group Leader
Councillor Philip Munday


Present, as expected

Committee Member
Councillor Tom Moutray



Councillor Grainne Rason photo
Committee Member
Councillor Grainne Rason


Present, as expected

Councillor Alex Rennie photo
Committee Member
Leader of the Council
Councillor Alex Rennie


Present, as expected

Councillor Andrew Briggs photo
Committee Member
Assistant Cabinet Lead - Performance, Risk and Service Improvement
Councillor Andrew Briggs


Present, as expected

Councillor Brenda Linger photo
Committee Member
Vice Chairman of Audit and Finance Committee
Councillor Brenda Linger


Present, as expected

Councillor Caren Diamond photo
Committee Member
Chairman of Audit and Finance Committee
Councillor Caren Diamond


Present, as expected

Councillor David Guest photo
Committee Member
Vice Chairman of Planning Policy Committee
Councillor David Guest



Councillor David Keast photo
Committee Member
Chairman of Planning Committee
Councillor David Keast


Present, as expected

Councillor Diana Patrick photo
Committee Member
Chairman of Councillor Development Panel
Councillor Diana Patrick


Present, as expected

Councillor Elaine Shimbart photo
Committee Member
Councillor Elaine Shimbart



Councillor Elizabeth Lloyd  (formerly known as Dianne) photo
Committee Member
Cabinet Lead for Planning, Environment and Water Quality
Councillor Elizabeth Lloyd (formerly known as Dianne)


Present, as expected

Councillor Gwen Robinson photo
Committee Member
Deputy Leader of the Council, Cabinet Lead for Communities and Housing
Councillor Gwen Robinson


Present, as expected

Councillor Husky Patel photo
Committee Member
Chairman of Planning Policy Committee
Councillor Husky Patel



Councillor Imogen Payter photo
Committee Member
Chairman of Licensing Committee
Councillor Imogen Payter


Present, as expected

Councillor James Blades photo
Committee Member
Councillor James Blades


Present, as expected

Councillor Julie Richardson photo
Committee Member
Assistant Cabinet Lead - Hayling Island Seafront and Tourism
Councillor Julie Richardson


Present, as expected

Councillor Kristine Tindall photo
Committee Member
Councillor Kristine Tindall


Present, as expected

Councillor Leah Turner photo
Committee Member
Chairman of Standards Committee
Councillor Leah Turner


Present, as expected

Councillor Liz Fairhurst photo
Committee Member
Cabinet Lead for Coastal
Councillor Liz Fairhurst


Present, as expected

Councillor Lulu Bowerman photo
Committee Member
Cabinet Lead for Commercial
Councillor Lulu Bowerman


Present, as expected

Councillor Mike Sceal photo
Committee Member
Councillor Mike Sceal


Present, as expected

Councillor Neil Bowdell photo
Committee Member
Cabinet Lead for Finance
Councillor Neil Bowdell



Councillor Pam Crellin photo
Committee Member
Chairman of Human Resources Committee
Councillor Pam Crellin


Present, as expected

Councillor Peter Wade photo
Deputy Mayor
Deputy Mayor of Havant
Councillor Peter Wade


Present, as expected

Councillor Richard Kennett photo
Committee Member
Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Councillor Richard Kennett


Present, as expected

Councillor Richard Stone photo
Committee Member
Assisting Cabinet Lead - Coastal
Councillor Richard Stone


Present, as expected

Councillor Rosy Raines photo
Mayor of Havant
Councillor Rosy Raines


Present, as expected

Councillor Ryan Brent photo
Committee Member
Councillor Ryan Brent


Present, as expected

Councillor Sarah Milne photo
Committee Member
Councillor Sarah Milne


Present, as expected

Councillor Tony Denton photo
Committee Member
Councillor Tony Denton



Councillor Yvonne Weeks photo
Committee Member
Councillor Yvonne Weeks


Present, as expected

Honorary Alderman
Honorary Alderman Brendan Gibb-Gray



Committee Member
Councillor Carly Scannell



Democratic Services Officer
Mark Gregory


Copy docmts only

Democratic & Electoral Services Manager
Jenni Harding



Lauren Maidens



Council Staff
Executive Head of Commercial
Chris Bradley


Not required

Executive Head of Regeneration and Economic Development
Wayne Layton


Not required

Council Staff
Head of Coastal Partnership
Lyall Cairns


Not required

Executive Head of Internal Services
Matt Goodwin


Not required

Council Staff
Jane McEvoy


Not required

Honoraray Alderman
Honorary Alderman Ralph Cousins



Honorary Alderman
Honorary Alderman Ken Smith



Caroline Harvey


Not required

Public Copies (Council and Cabinet)



Democratic Services Officer
Emma Carlyle


Copy docmts only


This meeting detail is from Havant Borough Council website