This is a meeting of the Council of Havant Borough Council held on the 20th Sep 2023.

The last meeting of the Council was on the 25th Sep 2024, and the next meeting will be 20th Nov 2024.

Meeting Status


Agenda Published


Decisions Published


Minutes Published


Meeting Location

Hurstwood Room, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, Hampshire PO9 2AX

Meeting Recordings

We know of no meeting recordings. If you know of one, let us know.


Item Title Minutes
1 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Guest, Harris, Munday, Payter and Richardson, Tindall & Weeks.

2 Declarations of Interests

To were no declarations of interests from the members present relating to matters on the agenda.

3 Confirmation of Previous Minutes Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the last meeting of the Council held on 26 July 2023 were approved as a correct record.

4 Mayor's Report Mayors Report - Sept 2023

The Mayor had nothing further to add to her published report and there were no questions from members present.

5 Public Speaking under Standing Orders 27.5 & 28

There were no public questions or requests to address Council received in accordance with the requirements of these Standing Orders.

6 Cabinet/Board/Committee Recommendations

There were 5 Cabinet / Board / Committee recommendations for Council to consider at this meeting.


(1)                Purchase of Temporary Accommodation


            Councillor Robinson introduced the item and recommendations to Council arising from the meeting of Cabinet held on 06 September, seeking the agreement of full council to implement a temporary accommodation purchase programme and delegated authority which would result in the Council being able to work in a more agile and commercial manner to purchase temporary accommodation.


            It was proposed by Councillor Robinson and seconded by Councillor Bowerman that the recommendations made by Cabinet be approved.


            The members considered the options set out in the Cabinet report and following a vote, Council 


            RESOLVED to


a)     borrow through the Public Works Loan Board as is required to purchase property for use as temporary accommodation up to a limit of £2m.


b)     authorise the use of Section 106 Affordable Housing contributions to fund the purchase, adaptation and fit out, of property for use as temporary accommodation.


c)     amend the Capital Programme for any purchase of property for use as temporary accommodation.


d)     delegate authority, subject to a sound Financial Business Case, to the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Leader, Cabinet Lead for Housing and the Cabinet Lead for Finance, to purchase property that will be used to provide temporary accommodation.



(2)                Local Authority Fund (1&2)


            Councillor Rennie introduced this item and recommendations to Council arising from the meeting of Cabinet held on 06 September 2023, seeking approval to amend the Capital Programme and incur borrowing to meet the aims of the Local Authority Housing Fund programme and grant conditions.


            It was proposed by Councillor Rennie and seconded by Councillor Sceal that the recommendations made by Cabinet be approved.


            The members considered the options set out in the Cabinet report and following a vote, Council 


            RESOLVED to


a)     accept and approve the spend of the additional allocation of Local Authority Housing Fund grant funding in the sum of £3.5m bringing the total sum to £4.2m.


b)     delegate authority for accepting and spending future Local Authority Housing Fund grant allocations to the Executive Head of Regeneration and Economic Development, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer and the Leader of the Council as Cabinet Member responsible for Regeneration.


c)     approve Public Works Loan Board borrowing up to £6m to provide match-funding for the Council’s allocation of Local Authority Housing Fund grant subject to a satisfactory financial appraisal.


d)     delegate authority to the Section 151 Officer to amend the Council’s Capital programme to reflect receipt of the additional Local Authority Housing Fund grant funding and the agreed Public Works Loan Board borrowing of up to £6m.


e)     delegate authority to the Section 151 Officer to amend the Council’s Minimum Revenue Provision policy and agrees that borrowing for the purposes of acquiring residential property is expensed over a 50 year period.


f)      delegate authority to the Executive Head of Regeneration and Economic Development in consultation with the Leader of the Council to enter into a contract with a contractor to manage and maintain the Council’s property portfolio purchased under this fund.


g)     delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer (or their delegate) to negotiate and agree all legal documents to give effect to the above recommendations.



(3)                Review of Statement of Licensing Policy, Licensing Act 2003


            Councillor Lloyd introduced this item and recommendations to Council arising from the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 16 August 2023, seeking approval of the reviewed Statement of Licensing Policy under the Licensing Act 2003.


              It was proposed by Councillor Lloyd and seconded by Councillor Shimbart that the submitted Statement of Licensing Policy be approved as recommended by the Licensing Committee.


            The members considered the options set out in the Licensing Committee report and following a vote, Council 


            RESOLVED that the submitted Statement of Licensing Policy under the Licensing Act 2003 be approved.


(4)                Review of Statement of Principles, Gambling Act 2005


            Councillor Lloyd introduced this item and recommendations to Council arising from the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 16 August 2023, seeking approval of the reviewed Statement of Principals under the Gambling Act 2005.


            It was proposed by Councillor Lloyd and seconded by Councillor Shimbart that the submitted Statement of Statement of Principles under the Gambling Act 2005 Policy be approved as recommended by the Licensing Committee.


            The members considered the options set out in the Licensing Committee report and following a vote, Council 


            RESOLVED that submitted Statement of Principles under the Gambling Act 2005 be approved.


(5)                Review of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy


            Councillor Lloyd introduced this item and proposed the recommendations to Council arising from the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 16 August 2023, seeking approval of the review of the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy.


            It was proposed by Councillor Lloyd and seconded by Councillor Shimbart that the submitted Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy be approved as recommended by the Licensing Committee.


            The members considered the options set out in the Licensing Committee report and following a vote, Council 


            RESOLVED that submitted Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy be approved.

7 Leader's Report Leader of the Council - Alex Rennie Cabinet Lead Report Sept 2023

There was nothing further the Leader wished to add to his published report.


The Mayor provided Councillors an opportunity to ask questions of the Leader on his report, which were duly responded to within the meeting.

8 Cabinet Lead Reports Cover Sheet
Cllr Bowdell Cabinet Lead Report - Sept 2023
Cllr Bowerman Cabinet Lead Report - Sept 2023
Cllr Fairhurst Cabinet Lead Report - Sept 2023
Cllr Lloyd Cabinet Lead Report - Sept 2023
Cllr Robinson Cabinet Lead Report - Sept 2023

In addition to her published report, Councillor Lloyd:


1.                  advised that the Council had been given the RSPCA Pawprint Stray Dog Services Silver Award;


2.                  informed members that concerns in relation to dangerous dog breeds were being dealt with locally by officers; and


3.                  highlighted the often difficult work that was being undertaken by our officers.


The Mayor provided Councillors an opportunity to ask questions of the Cabinet Leads on their reports, which were duly responded to within the meeting.

9 Questions Under Standing Order 27.4.1 Councillor Questions Sept 2023
Councillor Q&A Questions Sept 2023

There were 4 questions received from Councillors under the provision of this standing order, which were duly responded to within the meeting by the relevant Cabinet Leads.


A summary of the questions and responses is attached as an appendix to the minutes of this meeting.

10 Urgent Questions Under Standing Order 27.4.2

There were no urgent questions received from Councillors under the provision of this standing order.

11 Notice of Motions under Standing Order 14.1 1 Making Space
2 The Borough of Havant stands together with our friends in Ukraine
3 Motion for the Ocean
4 Puppy Farm Motion

Council considered 4 notices of motion.


(1)                Making Space


Prior to consideration of this motion, the Mayor, in accordance with standing order 14.12, invited Council to decide, by way of a vote, whether it should refer this motion to Cabinet in view of the potential budget implications.


            Following a vote, in which there were 5 against and 1 abstention, Council


            RESOLVED that the motion relating to Making Space be referred to Cabinet for consideration.


(2)                The Borough of Havant stands together with our friends in Ukraine


            In accordance with standing order 14.9, the motion was withdrawn by the proposer of the motion, Councillor Rennie.


(3)                Motion for the Ocean


            The Council considered the published motion proposed by Councillor Lloyd and seconded by Councillor Fairhurst. 


            An amendment proposed by Councillor Rason and seconded by Councillor Paul Gray that pledges 1,3 & 6 be amended to read as follows:


1      ensure that the Climate and Environment Panel receives updates at least every six months on any actions and projects that will assist ocean recovery around the Borough including that the Panel provides, as part of its updates to Cabinet, progress on the matter;


3      promote closer working between Havant Borough Council and local marine organisations by creating clear channels of communication so the Council is fully informed and updated on evidence of pollution and damage to the harbours and embed interventions in the Local Plan to support ocean recovery.


6      Create opportunities to grow ocean literacy and marine citizenship in Havant Brough with schools, local colleges and adults.


was lost following a debate and vote.


Following a debate and vote, Council approved the published motion.


Council therefore:


RESOLVED that Council pledges to


1. ensure that the Climate & Environment Panel receives regular updates on any actions and projects that will assist ocean recovery around the Borough, including that the Panel provides, as part of its updates to Cabinet, progress on the matter.


2. add ocean recovery to the work the Council is doing as part of its Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan.


3. promote closer working between the Havant Borough Council and local marine organisations and embed interventions in the Local Plan to support ocean recovery.


4. influence the Local Nature Recovery Strategy to support ocean recovery.


5. work with partners locally and nationally to deliver increased sustainability in marine industries and develop a sustainable and equitable “blue economy” that delivers ocean recovery and local prosperity.


6. where opportunity allows grow ocean literacy and marine citizenship in the Havant borough with our schools and local colleges.


7. write to the Government asking them to put the ocean into net recovery by 2030 by:


a) ensuring Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities and Natural England have the resources they need to effectively research and monitor our growing number of marine protected areas, and to set and enforce appropriate fishing levels that support local economies and deliver environmental sustainability.


b) ensuring coastal communities have a meaningful say in the development of marine policy which can deliver equitable and sustainable outcomes.


c) appoint a dedicated Minister for Coastal Communities.


d) and by listening to marine scientific advice, including marine social science, to update the Marine Policy Statement and produce a national Ocean Recovery Strategy which will:


i. enable the recovery of marine ecosystems rather than managing degraded or altered habitats in their reduced state.


ii. consider levelling up marine conservation, energy, industrial growth, flood and coastal erosion risk management, climate adaptation and fisheries policy holistically rather than as competing interests.


iii. develop a smarter approach to managing the health of the entire ocean that moves beyond Marine Protected Areas and enables links to be made across sectors towards sustainability.


iv. establish improved processes for understanding the benefits of ocean recovery, leaving no doubt about the links between this and human lives, livelihoods, and wellbeing.


v. stop plastic pollution at source by strengthening the regulations around single-use plastics; set standards for microfibre-catching filters to ensure that all new domestic and commercial washing machines are fitted with a filter that captures a high percentage of microfibres produced in the wash cycle.


(4)            Puppy Farming


            The Council considered the published motion proposed by Councillor Paul Gray and seconded by Councillor Rason. 


            An amendment to the motion proposed by Councillor Rennie and seconded by Councillor Robinson that the published motion be amended to read:


a)  welcome the Government’s continued efforts to eradicate the appalling practice of puppy farming and the announcement that it will prosecute individuals who sells puppies without a licence which could result in an unlimited fine or being sent to prison for up to six months.


b)  subject to advice from the Council’s data protection officer, publish an up-to-date list of licensed dog breeders on its website and provide contact details for the Animal Welfare Team so that licence details can be verified by customers if desired.


c)   undertake a publicity campaign, at no additional cost to the council, to raise awareness of illegal puppy breeding and signs to look for when buying a puppy that suggest it might come from a puppy farm, and how to report suspicious activity.


d)  instruct the Leader of the Council to write to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs reiterating the Council’s support for the eradication of puppy farming.


was carried following a debate and vote.


(During the debate on the amendment, the meeting adjourned at 7.44 pm and resumed at 7.55 pm)


Council debated the substantive motion. During this debate, Councillor Rennie clarified for members that the term “licensed dog breeders” in the substantive motion referred to licensed dog breeders in the Borough.


Following a vote, the substantive motion was carried. It was therefore,


RESOLVED that Council:


a) welcome the Government’s continued efforts to eradicate the appalling practice of puppy farming and the announcement that it will prosecute individuals who sells puppies without a licence which could result in an unlimited fine or being sent to prison for up to six months;


b) subject to advice from the Council’s data protection officer, publish an up-to-date list of licensed dog breeders on its website and provide contact details for the Animal Welfare Team so that licence details can be verified by customers if desired;


c) undertake a publicity campaign, at no additional cost to the council, to raise awareness of illegal puppy breeding and signs to look for when buying a puppy that suggest it might come from a puppy farm, and how to report suspicious activity; and


d) instruct the Leader of the Council to write to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs reiterating the Council’s support for the eradication of puppy farming.

12 Special Urgency Decisions / Special Urgency Quarterly Report

There were no special urgency decisions for consideration by Council for this meeting.

13 Acceptance of Minutes

Proposed by Councillor Sceal and seconded by Councillor Denton, it was


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Committees held since the last meeting of Council be received.

Meeting Attendees

Councillor Paul Gray photo
Committee Member
Councillor Paul Gray

Liberal Democrat

Present, as expected

Councillor Philippa Gray photo
Committee Member
Group Leader
Councillor Philippa Gray

Liberal Democrat

Present, as expected

Councillor Amy Redsull photo
Committee Member
Vice Chairman of Standards Committee
Councillor Amy Redsull


Present, as expected

Councillor Gillian Harris MBE photo
Committee Member
Councillor Gillian Harris MBE



Councillor Mark Coates photo
Committee Member
Councillor Mark Coates


Present, as expected

Councillor Philip Munday photo
Committee Member
Group Leader
Councillor Philip Munday



Committee Member
Councillor Tom Moutray



Councillor Grainne Rason photo
Committee Member
Councillor Grainne Rason


Present, as expected

Councillor Alex Rennie photo
Committee Member
Leader of the Council
Councillor Alex Rennie


Present, as expected

Councillor Andrew Briggs photo
Committee Member
Assistant Cabinet Lead - Performance, Risk and Service Improvement
Councillor Andrew Briggs


Present, as expected

Councillor Brenda Linger photo
Committee Member
Vice Chairman of Audit and Finance Committee
Councillor Brenda Linger


Present, as expected

Councillor Caren Diamond photo
Committee Member
Chairman of Audit and Finance Committee
Councillor Caren Diamond


Present, as expected

Councillor David Guest photo
Committee Member
Vice Chairman of Planning Policy Committee
Councillor David Guest



Councillor David Keast photo
Committee Member
Chairman of Planning Committee
Councillor David Keast


Present, as expected

Councillor Diana Patrick photo
Committee Member
Chairman of Councillor Development Panel
Councillor Diana Patrick


Present, as expected

Councillor Elaine Shimbart photo
Committee Member
Councillor Elaine Shimbart


Present, as expected

Councillor Elizabeth Lloyd  (formerly known as Dianne) photo
Committee Member
Cabinet Lead for Planning, Environment and Water Quality
Councillor Elizabeth Lloyd (formerly known as Dianne)


Present, as expected

Councillor Gwen Robinson photo
Committee Member
Deputy Leader of the Council, Cabinet Lead for Communities and Housing
Councillor Gwen Robinson


Present, as expected

Councillor Husky Patel photo
Committee Member
Chairman of Planning Policy Committee
Councillor Husky Patel


Present, as expected

Councillor Imogen Payter photo
Committee Member
Chairman of Licensing Committee
Councillor Imogen Payter



Councillor James Blades photo
Committee Member
Councillor James Blades


Present, as expected

Councillor Julie Richardson photo
Committee Member
Assistant Cabinet Lead - Hayling Island Seafront and Tourism
Councillor Julie Richardson



Councillor Kristine Tindall photo
Committee Member
Councillor Kristine Tindall



Councillor Leah Turner photo
Committee Member
Chairman of Standards Committee
Councillor Leah Turner


Present, as expected

Councillor Liz Fairhurst photo
Committee Member
Cabinet Lead for Coastal
Councillor Liz Fairhurst


Present, as expected

Councillor Lulu Bowerman photo
Committee Member
Cabinet Lead for Commercial
Councillor Lulu Bowerman


Present, as expected

Councillor Mike Sceal photo
Committee Member
Councillor Mike Sceal


Present, as expected

Councillor Neil Bowdell photo
Committee Member
Cabinet Lead for Finance
Councillor Neil Bowdell


Present, as expected

Councillor Pam Crellin photo
Committee Member
Chairman of Human Resources Committee
Councillor Pam Crellin


Present, as expected

Councillor Peter Wade photo
Deputy Mayor
Deputy Mayor of Havant
Councillor Peter Wade


Present, as expected

Councillor Richard Kennett photo
Committee Member
Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Councillor Richard Kennett


Present, as expected

Councillor Richard Stone photo
Committee Member
Assisting Cabinet Lead - Coastal
Councillor Richard Stone


Present, as expected

Councillor Rosy Raines photo
Mayor of Havant
Councillor Rosy Raines


Present, as expected

Councillor Ryan Brent photo
Committee Member
Councillor Ryan Brent


Present, as expected

Councillor Sarah Milne photo
Committee Member
Councillor Sarah Milne


Present, as expected

Councillor Tony Denton photo
Committee Member
Councillor Tony Denton


Present, as expected

Councillor Yvonne Weeks photo
Committee Member
Councillor Yvonne Weeks



Honorary Alderman
Honorary Alderman Brendan Gibb-Gray



Committee Member
Councillor Carly Scannell



Democratic Services Officer
Mark Gregory



Democratic & Electoral Services Manager
Jenni Harding



Lauren Maidens



Council Staff
Executive Head of Commercial
Chris Bradley


Not required

Executive Head of Regeneration and Economic Development
Wayne Layton


Not required

Council Staff
Head of Coastal Partnership
Lyall Cairns


Not required

Executive Head of Internal Services
Matt Goodwin


Not required

Council Staff
Head of Strategic Commissioning
Claire Hughes


Not required

Council Staff
Jane McEvoy


Not required

Honoraray Alderman
Honorary Alderman Ralph Cousins



Honorary Alderman
Honorary Alderman Ken Smith



Caroline Harvey


Not required

Public Copies (Council and Cabinet)



Democratic Services Officer
Emma Carlyle




This meeting detail is from Havant Borough Council website