Sept. 28, 2023, 6 p.m.
This is a meeting of the Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee of Eastleigh Borough Council held on the 28th Sep 2023.
The last meeting of the Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee was on the 21st Nov 2024, and the next meeting will be 30th Jan 2025.
Pilands Wood Centre, Chamberlayne Rd, Southampton SO31 8DT
Item | Title | Minutes |
2 | Public Participation |
There was no public participation on this occasion. |
3 | Declarations of Interest |
There were no declarations of interest in relation to items of business on the agenda. |
4 | Minutes of Previous Meeting |
Minutes of Previous Meeting
That the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8 June 2023 be approved as correct. |
5 | Chair's Announcements |
The Chair was pleased to see that Netley Unwrapped had been successful and had received good feedback about the event.
The Chair was also pleased to report that she had received amazing feedback about the Walk N Talk event in the area, which was increasing people’s health and wellbeing and had now developed a social side outside of the main event. The Chair was glad that the Committee had agreed to continue to support it.
The Committee echoed the Chair’s comments. |
6 | Report of the Local Area Manager |
Appendix 1 PIMNetleySculptureAug2023 Appendix 2 GoodNewsSeptemberCommittee Consideration was given to the report of the Local Area Manager (Agenda Item 6) that contained recommendations for expenditure from the Committee’s developer contributions.
Councillors Holes was pleased to see the support being given to Sing for Fun, and all the other groups the Committee were supporting.
The Committee echoed Councillor Holes’ appreciation.
The Local Area Manager showed the Committee the sketches for the Kestrel statue that they were hoping to commission.
The Committee requested whether the plinth/post could be made taller.
The Local Area Manager stated that they were in discussion with the artist, so was hopeful that it could.
That the Committee:
(1) noted the spend of £1,020 for 3 removable bollards at Kestrel Park; (2) noted the spend of £365 to install 1 post mounted bin at the bus stop opposite the Lowford Centre and £455 for 1 standard floor mounted Broxap Derby 120L dual waste bin in Cranbury Gardens; (3) noted the allocation of £3,000 from reserves to fund the event, ‘Pop up Unwrapped’ in Netley; (4) noted the spend of £8,400 from developer contributions for a Particulate Monitor located outside Hamble Primary school to collect a baseline air quality measurement (5) approved the grant request of £550 from reserves for the Sing4fun community choir; (6) approved the allocation of £5,000 from reserves to continue the walk and talk programme in Bursledon, Hamble, and Hound for a further 12 months; (7) approved the allocation of £5,500 from developer contributions to commission the chainsaw sculpture, Chris Bain to carve a wooden kestrel for the entrance of Windhover Meadows Country Park; (8) approved the proposed Pre-initiation Matrix (PIM) for Netley sculpture, highlighted in appendix 1; (9) approved the allocation of £103,323 and £50,681 from developer contributions to produce the proposed Netley sculpture and the Hamble Peninsula sound archive; and (10) noted the achievements in the local area supported by the LAC, highlighted in appendix 2. |
7 | Presentation on Planning Guidelines |
The Senior Planning Officer gave a short presentation on guidelines that had to be taken into account when determining planning applications; in particular the issues that could, and could not, be taken into account. This was set against the broader policy framework. |
8 | Planning Application - 1 Latelie Close, Netley Abbey, Southampton, SO31 5AG - T/23/95807 |
T_23_95807_Committee Report
The Committee considered the report of the Service Director for Planning and Environment (Agenda Item 8) concerning an application for proposal to fell 1 no. Lime at 1 Latelie Close, Netley Abbey, SO31 5AG. (Ref:T/23/95807).
There were no updates.
There was debate around the impact on the tree on the health of the resident, the loss of amenity of the resident’s garden, the balance of trees in the tree line, and the replanting of trees elsewhere.
The Chair stated that they did not want to set a precedent, but that they also should take into account the extenuating circumstances surrounding the application.
That permission be GRANTED subject to a condition, including the replacement of the tree with trees, and delegated back to the Chair, Vice-Chair, Tree Officer and Service Director of Planning and Environment to agree condition wording and tree replacement species/size.
(NOTE: The applicant spoke in support of the application, citing concerns including but not limited to the impact worrying over the damage the tree had previously caused to his property was having on his health, and the loss of the use of his garden with the tree in it due to falling deadwood.) |
9 | Planning Application - Land to the North side of Grange Road, Netley Abbey, Southampton - X/23/94505 |
X_23_94505 PL_Report Committee - Land North to Grange Road
The Committee was updated that:
· The addition of a date had been added to the Drawings Register in condition 2, to read: “The development shall be carried
out in accordance with the plans and documents listed in the
submitted Drawings Register (dated 27/09/2023).
There was debate around the noise of the substation and its proximity to the LEAP, concerns about the removal of the footpath, and lack of information around parking -resulting in further concerns.
That permission be DEFERRED to seek more information on the following matters: · The removal of footpaths; · Parking at the substation; · Noise at the substation and what acoustic attenuation would be in place; and · The proximity of the substation to the LEAP. |
10 | Planning Application - 12 Goslings Turning, Bursledon, Southampton, SO31 8LP - F/23/95386 |
F_23_95386 Committee Report 12 Goslings Turning
The Committee was updated that: · The addition of an informative had been added to the decision notice: “Note to Applicant: The applicant is advised that this is a Private Road and as such other agreements may need to be secured outside of the planning process with other landowners of this road in relation to maintenance.”
· Addition of Section Plan to condition 1 (plan numbers). To read: “The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the following plans numbered: LOC 01 (Location Plan), Site Layout Plan, PLAN pg1 (Ground floor plan), Elevations pg2, Base & Clearance pg3, Roof Plan pg4, S2 Rev A (Section Plan).”
· There was a typing error/missing word in paragraph 34, and it should read: “In summary, the proposal is not considered to impact on the amenities of the surrounding occupiers and therefore complies with policies DM1 and DM8 of the Local Plan.”
That permission be GRANTED subject to updates and conditions in the report.
(NOTE: One person spoke in support of the application.) |
11 | Planning Appeals |
The Legal Services Manager reported:-
(a) that the following appeals had been lodged:-
Glenrosa, Hamble Lane, Bursledon, SO31 8DR
Appealed against the Council’s refusal of a loft conversion incorporating 1no. front and 1no. rear dormers and hip to gable roof enlargement (H/23/95395).
This was a delegated decision.
1 Rope Walk, Hamble-le-Rice, SO31 4HB
Appealed against the Council’s refusal of conversion from restaurant to 2no. residential dwellings (1no. two-bedroom and 1no. four-bedroom) with two-storey rear extension, addition of pitched roof to existing single storey rear projection, elevational alterations and internal changes to facilitat (F/21/91037).
This was a Local Area Committee decision.
Bursledon Congregational Church, School Road, Bursledon, SO31 8BU
Appealed against the Council’s refusal of conversion of former Methodist church hall to 3no. 2 bedroom dwellings, with associated parking and construction of garage, amenity space, elevational alterations including insertion of rooflights, and provision of raised decked areas (F/21/89869).
This was a delegated decision.
(b) that the following appeals had been dismissed:-
13 Satchell Lane, Hamble-le-Rice, SO31 4HF
Appealed against the Council’s refusal of a part single, part 2-storey front and rear extensions, removal of existing roof and erection of new loft floor along with internal remodelling and improved parking area (H/22/94226).
This was a delegated decision.
Myrtle Cottage, Lands End Road, Bursledon, SO31 8DN
Appealed against the Council’s refusal of sunken side extension (H/22/92624).
This was a delegated decision.
Councillor Holes thanked officers for their work on decisions and appeals, and was pleased to see that the Committee and officers often made the right decisions, which were upheld at appeal.
That the report be noted. |
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
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30th Jan 2025 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
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