Jan. 26, 2023, 6 p.m.
This is a meeting of the Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee of Eastleigh Borough Council held on the 26th Jan 2023.
The last meeting of the Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee was on the 21st Nov 2024, and the next meeting will be 30th Jan 2025.
Pilands Wood Centre, Chamberlayne Rd, Southampton SO31 8DT
Item | Title | Minutes |
2 | Declarations of Interest |
Councillor Jarvis declared a pecuniary interest in item 9 on the agenda (Barncroft, Farm Close, Hamble-le-Rice, SO31 4RZ – F/22/93701) as she owns a neighbouring property.
3 | Minutes of Previous Meeting |
Minutes of Previous Meeting
That the minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2022 be approved as correct. |
3. 1 | Motion - Lowford Crossing |
Councillor Holes proposed that Standing Order 10.01 of the Constitution was suspended to allow consideration of an emergency motion (Lowford Crossing) without giving due notice, which was moved and seconded, and the Committee voted to agree.
Councillor Holes put forward the following emergency motion, which was moved and seconded:
· That the Local Area Committee resolved that, as a matter of urgency following an alarming increase in traffic safety incidents in recent months on the Zebra crossing in Lowford, Hampshire County Council was requested to meet with Borough Council staff, the local County Councillor and ward councillors for Bursledon and Hound North to discuss, consider and resolve:
a. traffic and safety issues around the Lowford crossing including the potential for a controlled Pelican crossing; b. traffic movements in Portsmouth Road with vehicles mounting the pavement in the eastern section of Lowford; c. the County Council abandon its proposals to re-open Lowford Hill to through traffic, and d. that funding for improvements, was taken from unused county held reserves from highway developers’ contributions.
Councillor Holes explained that he had received several emails from concerned residents after two recent incidents at the crossing were featured on media and news sites and had attracted interest on social media. He raised concerns that the road it is situated on is used as an alternative to Hamble Lane and stated that it is ‘unthinkable’ that at some point in the future, the crossing could be unattended by school crossing patrols.
The Committee agreed that the crossing, as it stands, was a high point of concern.
The Emergency motion, as proposed, was carried.
4 | Public Participation |
There was no public participation on this occasion. |
5 | Chair's Announcements |
There were no Chair’s announcements on this occasion. |
6 | Report of the Local Area Manager |
Finance Report
Consideration was given to the report of the Local Area Manager (agenda item 6) that contained recommendations for expenditure from the Committee’s developer contributions.
That the Committee:
(1) Approved the Grant payment of £500 to the 2nd Itchen North Scouts from the Community Grants Budget. (2) Approved the Youth Options proposal for remote youth work for 2023-24 per annum £45,790 and an additional holiday provision for 2023-24 £7,407. This would be funded by the youth budget and contributions from Bursledon, Hamble, and Hound Parish Councils, subject to obtaining the relevant waiver approval. (4) Approved the spend of £395 on Countryside repair work from the Bursledon, Hamble and Hound (BHH) Local Area Committee (LAC) contingency budget. (5) Approved the spend of £889 to fund the replacement of a dragon’s teeth at Providence Hill from BHH Engineers budget. (6) Noted the increased budget of £16,660 for the Kestrel Park Play area following income received from Taylor Wimpey. (7) Noted the £16,000 virement in budget from Heron play area. £6,000 to Kestrel Park play area and £10,000 to Kingfisher Play area. |
7 | Presentation on Planning Guidelines |
The Principal Planning Officer gave a short presentation on guidelines that had to be taken into account when determining planning applications; in particular the issues that could, and could not, be taken into account. This was set against the broader policy framework. |
8 | Planning Application - Hamble Airfield, Hamble-le-Rice - CS/22/92277 |
Hamble Airfield report to Committee 26 January 2023
Location plan Hamble Airfield Appendix 1 Summary consultee comments Hamble Airfield December 2022
Reference Number: CS/22/92277
(NOTE: HCC proposed extraction of sand and gravel at Hamble Airfield, Hamble-le-Rice, with restoration to grazing land and recreation using important inert restoration materials, the erection of associated plant and infrastructure and the creation of a new footpath and access onto Hamble Lane.)
The Committee requested clarification that the business rates mentioned in the consultation would be paid to Eastleigh Borough Council, and not to Hampshire County Council, and also that the maintenance time frame was for a period of at least 20 years.
The Committee thanked Hamble Primary School Council for writing to them with their comments and concerns.
That the Council responds to Hampshire County Council’s Consultation maintaining its objection, to the proposal for mineral extraction at Hamble Airfield for the reasons detailed in the report, and summarised as follows:
• Insufficient justification for mineral extraction at Hamble Airfield given the significant environmental impacts; • Inadequate assessment of highway impacts, notably in terms of predicted traffic growth and junction impacts, and resulting implications for highway and pedestrian safety, including school children, and the local economy; • Insufficient information to assess pollution, noise and air quality impacts and effects on the health and wellbeing of local residents and businesses; significant concerns about proximity to Hamble Primary School and impact on school children; • Lack of assessment of the impact of displaced recreational activity on protected coastal areas; • Objection to loss of trees to create access; and • Poor design of landscape buffer bunds and associated visual impacts.
To conclude, from the information submitted, EBC is not satisfied that the proposed extraction of minerals at the site can be undertaken without significant impacts on the local environment in relation to ecology, pollution, traffic impact and local amenity.
It is requested that should new information be received by HCC in relation to any of the matters outlined within this response, EBC should be formally reconsulted to allow further review and comment.
Should this application progress, EBC would recommend that additional information is requested from the applicants to allow for more detailed assessment of the proposals, as follows:
General: • Further assessment of options for alternative extraction sites. Pollution: • Updated Noise Impact Assessment in line with EBC’s noise limits, and further information regarding mitigation measures where required (e.g. to site boundaries); • Health Impact Assessment to assess impacts from particulates on human health, during the operational phase and beyond; • Dust Management Plan to include monitoring and audit programme. Landscape matters: • Updated Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment to include further consideration of the landscape impacts in relation to local residents; • Re-design of the screening landscape bunds, to achieve a softer more convex and natural design whilst maintaining necessary screening; • Clarification regarding the proposed site equipment and updates to sections plans (if required) to ensure the visual impact is accurately assessed; • Detailed drawings of the proposed permissive path and confirmation of surfacing material to ensure it is safe and accessible to all; • Further details regarding planting proposals at the maintenance access; • Removal of Goat Willow from proposed shrub mix, and provision of bio-degradable tree shelters. Transport: • Updated assessment of traffic growth required, to accurately understand impacts of development traffic in future years; • Data regarding traffic impact on the Hamble Lane/Portsmouth Road junction to be reviewed for inconsistencies, to include a review of required mitigation; • Additional commentary regarding collision data on Hamble Lane north of the Hound Road roundabout and at the M27 Junction 8; • Traffic flows from developments recently granted permission (as indicated in 5 year land supply update), to be included in the Transport Assessment; • Road Safety Audit to be accompanied by a Swept Path Analysis for a 16.5m articulated vehicle, along with safety percentage factor and tracking speed figures. Ecology: • Clarification of the methodology used for calculating biodiversity net gain in relation to restored habitats (notably scrub habitat); • Detailed, evidence based assessment of the potential impacts of increased recreational pressure on nearby coastal sites from displacement of activities from the application site, during the operational phases of development and after completion of restoration;
Notwithstanding the objections raised by EBC, in the event that Hampshire County Council were to recommend permission for the proposed works, Eastleigh Borough Council would wish to ensure that the following matters are addressed through appropriately worded conditions or obligations: • Provision and monitoring of all measures required to mitigate adverse impacts of the development; • Provision of any necessary off-site highway improvements and/or payment of highway improvement contributions; • Restoration of the site in line with policy requirements and provision of long-term management and maintenance (at least 20 years), to include clear and enforceable timetable of works; • Removal of landscape bunds upon completion of the works; • Full details of hard and soft landscaping; • On-going monitoring and public engagement in relation to pollution control mitigation throughout the operational phase of development (including restoration phases); • Provision of contaminated land site assessment and agreement of any necessary mitigation measures; • Provision of a net gain in biodiversity including habitat for breeding birds; • Detailed timetable for habitat restoration works to ensure existing species populations are maintained and new habitat provided at appropriate times.
(NOTE: Five people, including members of the public, school governors and county and parish councillors, spoke in objection to the consultation citing concerns, including but not limited to, substantial risks to the health, safety, wellbeing and educational attainment of the local schools’ communities, highway safety, dangerous entrance to the site, impact on school children’s safety, pollution, noise, air quality, hazardous materials at the site, gravel and sand extraction dust, silicosis, NO2 emissions, safety and security of the site, possible fencing of the site, design of the buns and effect on the landscape, lack of management plans for the site, flooding in the area, river water levels, and hydrology impacts.
The Vice-Chair of Governors at Hamble Primary School also questioned why a quarry could be granted permission next to a school, when a school would not be granted permission to be built next to a quarry. The Chair of Governors at Hamble Primary School read out parts of a letter drafted by children in the Hamble Primary School Council.) |
9 | Planning Application - Barncroft, Farm Close, Hamble-le-Rice, SO31 4RZ - F/22/93701 |
Barncroft F.22.93701
The Committee considered the report of the Executive Head of Planning (agenda item 9) concerning an application for conversion of boat storage building at Barncroft, Farm Close, Hamble-le-Rice, SO31 4RZ to form 1no. one bedroom dwelling with car parking, amenity space, cycle and bin storage, landscaping and boundary treatment. (Ref: F/22/93701).
There were no updates.
That permission be REFUSED as follows:
1. The proposed residential development located within a parking area would be harmful to the living conditions of future occupiers, by reason of noise, disturbance and vehicle emissions. As such the proposal would be contrary to Policy DM1 of the Eastleigh Borough Local Plan (2016-2036) and Quality Places SPD.
2. The application fails to provide for the required mitigation to offset the impacts of the development on European protected sites from nitrogen loading and recreational disturbance generated by the population increase resulting from the development. As such the proposals are contrary to Policy DM11 of the Eastleigh Borough Local Plan (2016-2036), The National Planning Policy Framework and the Conservation of Natural Habitats and Species Regulations 2017.
(NOTE: Councillor Jarvis declared a pecuniary interest in item 9 on the agenda (Barncroft, Farm Close, Hamble-le-Rice, SO31 4RZ – F/22/93701) as she owns a neighbouring property. She spoke in objection to the application as a member of the public and not in her role as a councillor, citing concerns including that the site is unsuitable for a dwelling, overdevelopment, danger of vehicles entering and leaving the proposed property, privacy issues, lack of acceptable parking, noise and fumes, poor layout of the proposed dwelling, safety concerns for residents, and impact on bats and birds in the area. She then left the room and did not take part in the debate or vote on the item.
Two further members of the public also spoke in objection to the application citing concerns, including but not limited to, lack of visibility for vehicles, line of sight whilst parking, lack of use of bin and cycle storage, overdevelopment of the site and road, increase in traffic, lack of need for the property in the area, loss of thoroughfare to the village centre, speed of traffic in the road, parking and traffic increases, noise and pollution.)
10 | Planning Application - Layton, High Street, Hamble-le_Rice, S031 4HA - H/22/93952 |
H_22_93952 BHH Committee Report
UPDATE SHEET H_22_93952 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Head of Planning and Economy (agenda Item 10) concerning Installation of an inverter for heating and cooling at Layton, High Street, Hamble-le-Rice, SO31 4HA (H/22/93952).
There were no updates.
The Committee raised concerns that clarified policies and planning guidance was needed in the future to take into account new technologies emerging, especially in conservation areas.
That permission be GRANTED as proposed with an additional condition that no alteration to the northern boundary treatment adjacent to the inverter should be made without the prior written permission of the local planning authority to ensure that views from the adjacent High Street were not adversely affected to protect the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. |
11 | Planning Appeals |
Costs Decision - 3292580
The Legal Services Manager reported:-
(a) that the following appeals had been partially allowed:
Costs in relation to land at Satchell Lane, Hamble-le-Rice
Appeal against the Council’s decision for the planning application for residential development of 61 no. dwellings, with associated public open space, landscaping and amenity areas with access off Satchell Lane.
The application for an award of costs was partially allowed as set out in agenda item 11.
(b) that the following appeals had been dismissed:
Advertisement hoardings north of the Plough Inn, Bursledon, Portsmouth Road, Bursledon, SO31 8BT
Appeal against the Council’s decision for display of 1no. internally illuminated digital LED screen (A/22/92983)
This was a delegated decision.
Land at Satchell Lane, Hamble-le-Rice
Appeal against the Council’s decision for the planning application for residential development of 61 no. dwellings, with associated public open space, landscaping and amenity areas with access off Satchell Lane.
That the report be noted. |
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
21st Nov 2024 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
5th Sep 2024 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
18th Jul 2024 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
14th Mar 2024 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
25th Jan 2024 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
30th Nov 2023 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
28th Sep 2023 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
8th Jun 2023 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
16th Mar 2023 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
26th Jan 2023 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
30th Jan 2025 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee (Cancelled)
6th Mar 2025 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
19th Jun 2025 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
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13th Nov 2025 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee