Jan. 25, 2024, 6 p.m.
This is a meeting of the Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee of Eastleigh Borough Council held on the 25th Jan 2024.
The last meeting of the Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee was on the 21st Nov 2024, and the next meeting will be 30th Jan 2025.
Pilands Wood Centre, Chamberlayne Rd, Southampton SO31 8DT
Item | Title | Minutes |
2 | Public Participation |
There was no public participation on this occasion. |
3 | Declarations of Interest |
There were no declarations of interest in relation to items of business on the agenda. |
4 | Minutes of Previous Meeting |
Minutes of Previous Meeting
That the minutes of the meeting held on 30 November 2023 be approved as correct. |
5 | Chair's Announcements |
There were no Chair’s announcements on this occasion. |
6 | Report of the Local Area Manager |
LocalAreaActionPlanBHH2425 Consideration was given to the report of the Local Area Manager (Agenda Item 6) that contained recommendations for expenditure from the Committee’s developer contributions.
Councillor Cross requested that the tree maintenance budget be looked at again next year, with regards to increasing it further.
The Local Area Manager agreed to look and see if it would be possible.
The Local Area Manager informed the Committee that the Corporate Director for Assets had agreed prior to the LAC meeting, that the cost of the boiler mentioned would come from the budget of the assets team, and not from the budgets of the Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee, therefore Item 7 of the report was withdrawn.
The Committee raised concerns that Item 8 of the report did not have more than one quote available for the purchase of the adjustable massage chair.
That the Committee:
(1) Approved the allocation of £6,140 to replace and repair dragons’ teeth and knee railings at Priory Road and The Crescent from revenue budget and reserves; (2) Noted the spend of £455 to install a standard floor mounted Broxap Derby 120L dual waste bin outside the Pilands Wood shops from revenue budget; (3) Approved the allocation of £57,004 for the annual Youth Options outreach and school holiday 24/25 programmes from the revenue budget £53,949 and £3,055 from reserves to cover the budget shortfall; (4) Approved the allocation of £18,600 from reserves to fund the Spring Clean event at three locations in Bursledon, Hamble and Hound; (5) Approved the allocation of £3,000 from reserves to increase the tree maintenance budget; (6) Approved the allocation of £3,000 from reserves to fund Unwrapped 2024 in Netley; (7) Withdrawn (as above); (8) REFUSED a grant of £300 from the revenue budget to the volunteers at the Mercury Library and Community Hub to fund an adjustable massage chair; (9) Approved the allocation of Developers Contributions totalling £10,000 to fund future replacement bins in Bursledon, Hamble and Hound; (10) Approved the allocation of £7,500 from the parking revenue budget to introduce a permit control system and ticket machine at New Road car park, Netley and (11) Approved the Bursledon, Hamble, and Hound (BHH) Local Area Action Plan 2024/25 shown in Appendix 1 for adoption and publication. |
7 | Presentation on Planning Guidelines |
The Principal Planning Officer gave a short presentation on guidelines that had to be taken into account when determining planning applications; in particular the issues that could, and could not, be taken into account. This was set against the broader policy framework. |
7. 1 | Planning Updates Table |
Planning Update Paper
Planning updates were given at the beginning of each planning item they related to on the agenda. |
8 | Planning Application - 32A Queens View, Netley Abbey, Southampton, SO31 5EA - F/23/96224 |
F_23_96224 PL_Committee Report for Queens View FINAL v2
There was an additional update given to the Planning Updates Table (Agenda Item 7a), as below:
· Additional update to note an error in the parking calculation in paragraph 120. Where it says 18 spaces would be required under the emerging parking standards, this should say 21 spaces. Also noted that this calculation, and the one in paragraph 119, did not include the visitor space requirement.
That permission be delegated back to the Service Director for Planning and Environment in conjunction with the Chair and Vice Chair to GRANT Planning Permission, subject to the items listed in the committee report and update sheet, and subject to conditions and informatives below: Subject to: i) Additional emergence bat surveys and agreement of updated mitigation proposals; ii) Agreement to any amendment to the building design to incorporate bat roost features; iii) Response from Natural England on Appropriate Assessment; iv) Payment of developers’ contributions; and v) Amended condition wording where required to take account of new and updated information.
Amended and additional conditions as per update sheet: Condition 2 – updated to include new vehicle tracking plan: 2. Plan numbers The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the following plans numbered: • 0018 A06 (Site Location and Block Plan) • 0020 A01 (Floor Plans – Ground, First) • 0021 A01 (Floor Plans – Second Floor, Roof) • 0024 A03 (Proposed Boundary Elevations) • 0025 A02 (Proposed Elevations) • 0026 A02 (Proposed Sections) • 131.0013-0006 P01 (Goods Vehicle Swept Path Analysis) • 131.0013-0004 P03 (Swept Path Analysis Retail Servicing Bay)
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.
Condition 27 – new condition:
27. Refuse vehicle size The retail development hereby permitted must be serviced from Castle Road by a refuse vehicle not exceeding dimensions of 6.623 x 2.200m, and a delivery vehicle not exceeding 5.885 x 2.000 (4.6 Tonne light van) as shown in approved drawing ref. 131.0013.0004 P03.
Reason: To allow for the safe turning of vehicles in the interest of highway safety, in accordance with Policy DM13 of the Eastleigh Borough Local Plan (2016-2036).
Additional informative added at the request of Members: Note to applicant: The applicant is advised to consider options for the temporary provision of a shop during the construction period of the development, in order to retain the important community facility during this time.
(NOTE: Three people spoke and one statement was read out in objection to the application citing concerns, that included but were not limited to, loss of use of premises for the current food bank, loss of parking for the recreation ground, lack of notifications to neighbours, consultations held out of area, loss of much needed community areas, construction traffic, noise of building work, dust, detrimental to neighbour’s health, incorrect parking surveys, lack of available parking, figures used in the report, size and bulk of proposed building, and overdevelopment.
The agent spoke in support of the application.) |
9 | Planning Application - 20 Crowsport, Hamble-Le-Rice, Southampton, SO31 4HG - H/23/96050 |
20 Crowsport H_23_96050
The Committee considered the report of the Service Director for Planning and Environment (Agenda Item 9) concerning an application for the erection of a first floor extension with roof terrace and single storey side extension. (H/23/96050).
There were no additional updates given to the Planning Updates Table (Agenda Item 7a).
That permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions within the report.
(NOTE: One person spoke in objection to the application citing concerns, that included but were not limited to, overlooking, loss of privacy, distance between proposed extension and neighbouring property, and loss of amenity.
The architect spoke in support of the application.) |
10 | Planning Application - Guillemot House, 9 Mariners Close, Hamble-Le-Rice, Southampton, SO31 4PD - H/23/96029 |
9 Mariners Close H_23_96029 PL_Report Final Report
The Committee considered the report of the Service Director for Planning and Environment (Agenda Item 10) concerning an application for a two storey rear extension, part two storey/part first floor side extension to include a new first floor rear terrace and alterations to existing fenestration. (amended description and plans) at Guillemot House, 9 Mariners Close, Hamble-Le-Rice, Southampton, SO31 4PD. (H/23/96029).
There were no additional updates given to the Planning Updates Table (Agenda Item 7a).
That permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions within the report.
(NOTE: Three people spoke in objection to the application citing concerns, that included but were not limited to, overdevelopment of the site, size and scale of the proposal, the application was much wider than other extensions in the area, and setting a precedent in the area.
The applicant spoke in support of the application.) |
11 | Planning Application - 13 Satchell Lane, Hamble-Le-Rice, Southampton, SO31 4HF - H/23/95847 |
13 Satchell Lane H_23_95847 Final Committee Report (1)
The Committee considered the report of the Service Director for Planning and Environment (Agenda Item 11) concerning an application for a single storey/two storey front extension to incorporate balcony, single storey side extension, two and single storey rear extensions, elevational alterations and enlargement to front parking area (amended plans and description) at 13 Satchell Lane, Hamble-Le-Rice, Southampton, SO31 4HF. (H/23/95847).
There were no additional updates given to the Planning Updates Table (Agenda Item 7a).
The Committee raised concerns about the intrusive design and the detrimental effect it would have on the current street scene.
That permission be delegated back to the Service Director for Planning and Environment to REFUSE planning permission due to the following reason:
· The modern design of the front elevation of the proposed development and its design and materials would create an unattractive and incongruous feature at odds with the appearance of the two adjacent dwellings and detrimental to the character and pattern of development within the locality. As such the proposed development is contrary to Policy DM1 of the Eastleigh Borough Local Plan (2016 – 2036), Quality Places SPD (2011) and the contents of the National Planning Policy Framework(2023).
(NOTE: Three people spoke in objection to the application citing concerns, that included but were not limited to, the design of the balcony, overdevelopment of the site, the size of the proposed plans, the plans were out of character for the area, proximity of the proposal to neighbouring properties, the plans could set a precedent, loss of light, loss of privacy, loss of amenity to the property, and subsidence to the neighbouring properties due to removal of shrubs and trees.
A statement was read out from the applicant in support of the application.) |
12 | Planning Appeals |
The Legal Services Manager reported:-
(a) that the following appeal had been lodged:
Larkby, Kew Lane, Bursledon, Southampton, SO31 8DD
Appealed against the Council’s refusal for construction of a replacement dwelling following the demolition of the existing dwelling with associated landscape works (F/22/93962).
This was a delegated decision.
That the report be noted. |
Item | Title | Minutes |
0 | Election of Chair |
The Committee appointed Councillor Holes as Chair in the Chair for this meeting as Councillor Craig was unable to attend. |
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
21st Nov 2024 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
5th Sep 2024 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
18th Jul 2024 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
14th Mar 2024 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
25th Jan 2024 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
30th Nov 2023 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
28th Sep 2023 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
8th Jun 2023 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
16th Mar 2023 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
26th Jan 2023 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
30th Jan 2025 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee (Cancelled)
6th Mar 2025 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
19th Jun 2025 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
11th Sep 2025 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee
13th Nov 2025 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee