This is a meeting of the Cabinet of Havant Borough Council held on the 6th Sep 2023.
The last meeting of the Cabinet was on the 18th Dec 2024, and the next meeting will be 12th Feb 2025.
Hurstwood Room, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, Hampshire PO9 2AX
Item | Title | Minutes |
1 | Apologies for Absence |
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Lloyd. |
2 | Declarations of Interests |
There were no declarations of pecuniary interests relating to matters on the agenda. |
3 | Minutes |
Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 26 July 2023 were agreed as a true record. |
4 | Chairman's Report |
The Chairman had nothing he wished to report at this meeting. |
5 | Councillor Questions under Standing Order 68.3 |
There were no questions from Councillors for members of the Cabinet. |
6 | Matters referred by Full Council or the Overview & Scrutiny Committee Under Standing Order 68.7.3 |
Regeneration Scheme
Havant Thicket Reservoir There were 2 matters for Cabinet to consider under the provision of this standing order, both being matters arising from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
The first matter for Cabinet’s consideration related to the Regeneration Scheme following the committee meeting held on 09 June 2023.
Councillor Rennie confirmed he had been present at the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and his agreement to the request of the committee for members to receive regular performance data on the Regeneration Scheme, as detailed in the report.
A motion proposed by Councillor Rennie to agree the recommendation put forward by the committee as set out in the published report was seconded by Councillor Bowdell.
Following a vote, it was
that Cabinet request that officers provide performance data, including a dashboard with RAG rating and timelines when submitting future regeneration updates.
The second matter for Cabinet’s consideration arose from the meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee held on 05 and 25 July 2023 and related to the Review of Portsmouth Water Company's Plans for Havant Thicket Reservoir.
The Leader informed members that a visit has been arranged for members of the committee to visit the reservoir site on 25 September 2023. Councillor Rennie further welcomed the committees report and work undertaken on this matter.
A motion proposed by Councillor Rennie to agree the recommendation put forward by the committee as set out in the published report was seconded by Councillor Fairhurst.
Following a vote, it was
That Cabinet noted the serious concerns raised by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee about Portsmouth Water Company’s support for Southern Water Authority’s recycling scheme. |
7 | Cabinet Lead Delegated Decisions, Minutes from Meetings etc. |
There were no delegated decisions or minutes from the following meetings since the last meeting of Cabinet, to be considered at this meeting:
(1) Portchester Crematorium Joint Committee (2) Langstone Harbour Board (3) Solent Freeport Consortium Board |
8 | Local Authority Housing Fund (1&2) |
Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF)
Councillor Rennie introduced a report that appraises the Council of the Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) and which sought Cabinet approval to amend the Capital Programme and incur borrowing to meet the aims of the LAHF programme and grant conditions.
Councillor Rennie proposed a motion to accept the recommendations set out in the published report to purchase housing that can be used by Afghan and Ukrainian refugees in the first instance and then for Havant residents who present as statutory homeless. The purchase of these homes helps to deliver the Council’s Corporate Strategy and longer term will benefit the residents of the borough and help ease the burden on the use of temporary accommodation.
Cabinet considered the motion in detail and options available. Councillor Rennie and officers responded to questions raised.
Seconded by Councillor Bowerman and following a debate, Cabinet voted to agree the recommendations set out in the report, therefore it was
RESOLVED that Cabinet recommends to Full Council: To accept and approve the spend of the additional allocation of Local Authority Housing Fund grant funding in the sum of £3.5m bringing the total sum to £4.2m. To delegate authority for accepting and spending future Local Authority Housing Fund grant allocations to the Director of Regeneration and Economic Development, in consultation with the s.151 Officer and the Leader of the Council as Cabinet Member responsible for Regeneration. To approve Public Works Loan Board borrowing up to £6m to provide match-funding for the Council’s allocation of Local Authority Housing Fund grant subject to a satisfactory financial appraisal. To delegate authority to the S151 Officer to amend the Council’s Capital programme to reflect receipt of the additional Local Authority Housing Fund grant funding and the agreed Public Works Loan Board borrowing of up to £6m. To delegate authority to the S151 Officer to amend the Council’s Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) policy and agrees that borrowing for the purposes of acquiring residential property is expensed over a 50 year period. To delegate authority to the Executive Head of Regeneration and Economic Development in consultation with the Leader of the Council to enter into a contract with a Contractor to manage and maintain the Council’s property portfolio purchased under this fund. To delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer (or their delegate) to negotiate and agree all legal documents to give effect to the above recommendations. |
9 | 2023-24 Quarter 1 Budget Monitoring & Performance |
Q1 Financial Report (Final Version 2
Appendix A - Q1 2023.24 Revenue forecast outturn Appendix B Q1 2023.24 Performance information Appendix C - Q1 2023.24 Capital Programme monitoring REport Councillor Bowdell as relevant Cabinet Lead introduced a report that provided members with detail of the Council’s financial and performance position as at quarter 1 of the 2023/24 financial year.
Councillor Bowdell proposed a motion to accept the recommendations set out in the published report and noted the current projected overspend as well as mitigations and work being undertaken to closely monitor the Council’s budget.
Cabinet considered the motion and options available set out in the report. Councillor Bowdell and officers responded to questions raised.
Seconded by Councillor Rennie and following a debate, Cabinet voted to agree the recommendations set out in the report, therefore it was
that Cabinet noted:
A. The revenue forecast outturn for Q1 2023/24 (Appendix A) B. Q1 2023/24 performance information (Appendix B) C. Q1 2023/24 Capital Programme monitoring (Appendix C) |
10 | Inter Authority Agreement for Waste |
HBC Report Waste IAA v0.6 (1)
Councillor Bowerman as relevant Cabinet Lead introduced a report that primarily asked Cabinet to delegate authority to officers, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Environmental Services, to negotiate the new Inter Authority Agreement for the new waste disposal contract between Hampshire County Council and the districts in Hampshire.
Councillor Bowerman proposed a motion to accept the recommendations set out in the published report and noted the significant proposed changes around waste and recycling.
Cabinet considered the motion and options available set out in the report.
Seconded by Councillor Fairhurst and following a debate, Cabinet voted to agree the recommendations set out in the report, therefore Cabinet
1. To note the Boroughs ambitions to significantly increase its recycling, reduce waste and improve its carbon performance, which will support tackling the Climate Emergency and creating a greener Borough.
To note that there will be a need to alter the
current recycling collections to reflect national and regional
requirements. 3. To note the current offer from Hampshire County Council of an Inter-Authority Agreement and the intention to work with Hampshire County Council to achieve a mutually affordable and sustainable solution so that the Council can respond to the offer by October 2023.
4. To delegate authority to the Executive Head of Commercial, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Environmental Services, the Section 151 and Monitoring Officers, to negotiate and agree the Inter Authority Agreement, in the best interests of Havant Borough Council. |
11 | Purchase of Temporary Accommodation |
Purchase of Temporary Accommodation Paper Final
Councillor Robinson as relevant Cabinet Lead introduced a report that sought the agreement of Cabinet to implement a temporary accommodation purchase programme and delegated authority which would result in the Council being able to work in a more agile and commercial manner to purchase temporary accommodation.
Councillor Robinson proposed an amendment to the last recommendation outlined in the published report, which was to add that delegated authority, subject to a sound Financial Business Case be also in consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Housing.
The amendment was seconded by Councillor Rennie. Councillor Robinson and officers answered questions raised.
Following a vote, it was RESOLVED that the amendment form part of the substantive motion and would now read:
‘Delegate authority, subject to a sound Financial Business Case, to the S151 Officer, in consultation with the Leader, Cabinet Lead for Housing and the Cabinet Lead for Finance, to purchase property that will be used to provide temporary accommodation’.
Cabinet considered the new substantive motion and options available set out in the report.
Seconded by Councillor Fairhurst and following questions and debate, Cabinet voted to agree the recommendations which included the earlier amendment, therefore it was
RESOLVED That Cabinet agree to implement a temporary accommodation purchase programme. Cabinet recommends to Full Council: a) To borrow through the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) as is required to purchase property for use as temporary accommodation up to a limit of £2m. b) To authorise the use of S106 Affordable Housing contributions to fund the purchase, adaptation and fit out, of property for use as temporary accommodation. c) To amend the Capital Programme for any purchase of property for use as temporary accommodation. d) Delegate authority, subject to a sound Financial Business Case, to the S151 Officer, in consultation with the Leader, Cabinet Lead for Housing and the Cabinet Lead for Finance, to purchase property that will be used to provide temporary accommodation. |
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
18th Dec 2024 Cabinet
6th Nov 2024 Cabinet
11th Sep 2024 Cabinet
6th Aug 2024 Cabinet
17th Jul 2024 Cabinet
12th Jun 2024 Cabinet
6th Mar 2024 Cabinet
14th Feb 2024 Cabinet
24th Jan 2024 Cabinet
20th Dec 2023 Cabinet
12th Feb 2025 Cabinet
5th Mar 2025 Cabinet
4th Jun 2025 Cabinet
11th Jun 2025 Cabinet
9th Jul 2025 Cabinet
10th Sep 2025 Cabinet
22nd Oct 2025 Cabinet
3rd Dec 2025 Cabinet