Havant Borough Council Cabinet Meeting

Dec. 20, 2023, 6 p.m.


This is a meeting of the Cabinet of Havant Borough Council held on the 20th Dec 2023.

The last meeting of the Cabinet was on the 17th Jul 2024, and the next meeting will be 11th Sep 2024.

Meeting Status


Agenda Published


Decisions Published


Minutes Published


Meeting Location

Hurstwood Room, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, Hampshire PO9 2AX

Meeting Recordings

We know of no meeting recordings. If you know of one, let us know.


Item Title Minutes
1 Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies for absence received for this meeting.

2 Declarations of Interests

There were no declarations of interests relating to matters on the agenda.

3 Minutes Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 08 November were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

4 Chairman's Report

Councillor Rennie, the Chairman of Cabinet, reported that Steve Jorden, Chief Executive is recovering well and is expected to return in the New Year. Councillor Rennie further extended Cabinets’ best wishes.

5 Councillor Questions under Standing Order 68.3

There were no questions from Councillors under the provision of Standing Order 68.3.

6 Matters referred by Full Council or the Overview & Scrutiny Committee Under Standing Order 68.7.3

There were no matters for Cabinet to consider under the provision of Standing Order 68.7.3.

7 Cabinet Lead Delegated Decisions, Minutes from Meetings etc.

RESOLVED that the minutes of meetings as set out in the agenda were noted.

8 Finance System Replacement HBC Cabinet 20.12.23 - Finance System Replacement
Appendix 1 - Finance System ERP Procurement Full Business Case
Appendix 2 - Finance System Replacement - Presentation

Councillor Bowdell, as relevant Cabinet Lead, introduced a report that, following an evaluation process, makes recommendations to award a contract for the future supply of our financial system from April 2025.


A motion was proposed by Councillor Bowdell and seconded by Councillor Robinson to adopt the recommendations, for the reasons set out in the report.


Cabinet discussed the motion, including the options available to Cabinet.


Following a vote, it was,


RESOLVED that Cabinet;


a)    award the contract to TechnologyOne Limited to provide the replacement software for the Council’s Financial management system in line with the Crown Commercial Services G-Cloud 13 framework for (up to) 4 years at a cost of £105k per annum.


b)    delegate authority to the Chief Finance Officer (S151) in consultation with the Monitoring Officer to finalise and sign a contract with the preferred supplier.

9 Quarter 2 Financial Report & Budget Monitoring Q2 Financial Report (Final Version)
Appendix A - Q2 (M6) Budget Dashboard
Appendix B - Q2 2023-24 performance report
Appendix C - Q2 (M6) Capital Monitoring
Appendix D - Prudential Indicators

On behalf of Councillor Bowdell, the relevant Cabinet Lead, Councillor Bowerman introduced a report which outlined the Councils’ financial health and estimates the final outturn could fall to under £500k overspend, as well as outlining the performance of the Council in quarter 2.


A motion was proposed by Councillor Bowdell and seconded by Councillor Bowerman to adopt the recommendations set out, for the reasons set out in the report.


Cabinet discussed the motion, including the options available to Cabinet.


Following debate and a vote, it was


RESOLVED that Cabinet note the;


       i.          revenue forecast outturn for Q2 2023/24 (Appendix A)

     ii.           Q2 2023/24 performance information (Appendix B)

    iii.          Q2 2023/24 Capital Programme monitoring (Appendix C)

    iv.          Q2 2023/24 Prudential Indicators (Appendix D)

10 South Hayling Island Beach Management Plan 20231220_CabinetReport_SouthHayling

Councillor Fairhurst, as relevant Cabinet Lead, introduced a report which seeks a mandate to submit the Outline Business Case to the Environment Agency for approval, and to permit expenditure if approved to allow beach management to continue until 2029 on Hayling Island.


A motion was proposed by Councillor Fairhust and seconded by Councillor Lloyd to adopt the recommendations set out for the reasons set out in the report.


Cabinet discussed the motion, including the options available to Cabinet.


Following debate and a vote, it was


RESOLVED that Cabinet;


a)    approved the recommendations of the South Hayling Beach Management Plan to implement a five-year programme of sustainable beach management activities to help reduce the risk of coastal flooding and erosion from the period 01 April 2024 to 31 March 2029, subject to securing the necessary funding.


b)    noted the application for funding made to the Environment Agency under the Land Drainage Act (1991) to the value of approximately £5.1million of Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Grant in Aid (GiA) to fund the five year Beach Management Plan programme.


c)     delegated authority to the Executive Head of Coastal Partners, following consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Coastal and the S151 Officer, to implement the Beach Management Plan and subsequent activities, subject to securing the necessary funding.

11 Procurement of new IT system for Planning, Environmental Health, Licensing and Grants Appendix 1 - Place Service Software Procurement Full Business Case November 2023 v.3
Procurement of new IT system for Planning, Environmental Health, Licensing and Grants Report

Councillor Rennie reminded members that this item contained private and confident information in the appendix and therefore asked members to indicate by a show of hands, if they wished to discuss the exempt information. 


No members indicated a wish to discuss the exempt information and Councillor Lloyd as relevant Cabinet Lead introduced a report that, following a full open tender process exercise the Council is proposing to select ARCUS GLOBAL LIMITED to deliver two separate systems – a Generic Case Management system to support Environmental Health, Licensing and Grants and the Arcus Platform to support the Council’s Planning Service.


A motion was proposed by Councillor Lloyd and seconded by Councillor Bowerman to adopt the recommendations set out for the reasons set out in the report.


Cabinet discussed the motion, including the options available to Cabinet and officers responded to questions raised.


Following a vote, it was


RESOLVED that Cabinet


a)    award a contract to Arcus Global Limited to provide the replacement software for the Council’s Planning Service for a period of five years at a cost of no more than £245,000.


b)    award a contract to Arcus Global Limited to provide the replacement software for the Council’s Environmental Health, Licensing and Grants services for a period of five years at a cost of up to £225,000.


c)     delegate authority to the Executive Head of Place in consultation with the Monitoring Officer and Section 151 officer to finalise and enter into a contract with the preferred supplier.

12 Exclusion of the Press and Public

There were none.

Meeting Attendees

Councillor Gillian Harris MBE photo
Councillor Gillian Harris MBE


Present, as expected

Councillor Alex Rennie photo
Leader of the Council
Councillor Alex Rennie


Present, as expected

Councillor Elizabeth Lloyd  (formerly known as Dianne) photo
Committee Member
Cabinet Lead for Planning, Environment and Water Quality
Councillor Elizabeth Lloyd (formerly known as Dianne)


Present, as expected

Councillor Gwen Robinson photo
Deputy Leader of the Council
Deputy Leader of the Council, Cabinet Lead for Communities and Housing
Councillor Gwen Robinson


Present, as expected

Councillor Liz Fairhurst photo
Committee Member
Cabinet Lead for Coastal
Councillor Liz Fairhurst


Present, as expected

Councillor Lulu Bowerman photo
Committee Member
Cabinet Lead for Commercial
Councillor Lulu Bowerman


Present, as expected

Councillor Neil Bowdell photo
Committee Member
Cabinet Lead for Finance
Councillor Neil Bowdell


Present, as expected

Democratic & Electoral Services Manager
Jenni Harding



Democratic Services Officer
Emma Carlyle



Lauren Maidens



Spare Copies




This meeting detail is from Havant Borough Council website