Havant Borough Council Cabinet Meeting

July 26, 2023, 2:30 p.m.


This is a meeting of the Cabinet of Havant Borough Council held on the 26th Jul 2023.

The last meeting of the Cabinet was on the 17th Jul 2024, and the next meeting will be 11th Sep 2024.

Meeting Status


Agenda Published


Decisions Published


Minutes Published


Meeting Location

Hurstwood Room, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, Hampshire PO9 2AX

Meeting Recordings

We know of no meeting recordings. If you know of one, let us know.


Item Title Minutes
1 Apologies for Absence

Councillor Robinson as Deputy Leader chaired the meeting in Councillor Rennie’s absence and confirmed the Leader hoped to join the meeting later.


There were no apologies of absence received for this meeting.

2 Declarations of Interests

There were no declarations of pecuniary interests relating to matters on the agenda.

3 Minutes Published Cabinet minutes 07 June 2023

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 7 June 2023 be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

4 Chairman's Report

Councillor Rennie apologised for being late and thanked Councillor Robinson in chairing this meeting in his absence.


Councillor Rennie highlighted the Council’s successful in achieving Gold award status for the Armed Forces Scheme.  Cabinet thanked officers, in particular to Laura Bevis and former Councillor Thain-Smith, for their work behind the scenes in achieving this success and look forward to attending a ceremony later in the year.

5 Councillor Questions under Standing Order 68.3

There were no questions from Councillors under the provision of this standing order. 

6 Matters referred by Full Council or the Overview & Scrutiny Committee Under Standing Order 68.7.3

There were no recommendations referred by Full Council or from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee for consideration under the provision of this standing order.

7 Free Parking in Waterlooville Free parking in Waterlooville

Councillor Rennie, as Leader of the Council introduced a report introducing free parking for 30 minutes at the Wellington Way Car Park in Waterlooville.  The scheme being part of a range of measures the Council is seeking to implement to encourage footfall in Waterlooville Town Centre designed to encourage people to use some of the smaller independent retailers on the High Street.


Councillor Rennie responded to questions raised.


Following debate, a motion proposed by Councillor Rennie to adopt the recommendation set out in the report was seconded by Councillor Robinson.


Following a vote, it was


RESOLVED that the introduction of free parking for a maximum stay of 30 minutes (no return within one hour) in 12 parking bays which will be in force between the hours of 8am-6pm Monday-Saturday at the Wellington Way Car Park in Waterlooville be approved.

8 Corporate Priorities Plan HBC report template - Corporate Priorities FINAL
Appendix A - Priority projects Delivery Plans

Councillor Rennie, as Leader of the Council introduced a report seeking approval of the corporate priorities plan that will help to deliver the ambitions set out in the Corporate Strategy.

Councillor Rennie and supporting officers responded to questions raised.


A motion proposed by Councillor Rennie to adopt the recommendation set out in the report was seconded by Councillor Bowerman.


Following a vote, it was


RESOLVED that the submitted Corporate Priorities Plan be approved.

9 Membership of the Solent Cluster HBC report template - Solent Cluster
Appendix A Solent Cluster Charter
Appendix B The Solent Cluster Brochure

Councillor Lloyd, as the relevant Cabinet Lead introduced a report seeking approval for Havant Borough to become a member of the Solent Cluster and provided an overview of the benefits to the Council in becoming a member.


Councillor Lloyd responded to questions raised.


Following debate, a motion proposed by Councillor Lloyd to adopt the recommendation set out in the report was seconded by Councillor Bowerman.


Following a vote, it was


RESOLVED that Cabinet recommend to Full Council that Havant Borough Council becomes a member of the Solent Cluster.

10 Warnford Park Estate Nutrient Mitigation Scheme 04-07-23 Warnford Park Estate Legal Agreement - updated report FINAL
Appendix A - Location Plan
Appendix B Mitigation Schemes in the Solent
Appendix C Letter to Havant BC from NE

(Councillor Rennie did not take in the vote on this item as he was not present for the full debate)


Councillor Lloyd, as the relevant Cabinet Lead introduced a report seeking approval for Havant Borough to enter into a legal agreement for the Warnford Park Estate nutrient mitigation scheme to ensure a continuing supply of nutrient mitigation, as well as approval of delegated authority to enter into further legal agreements with appropriate third-party mitigation schemes as they emerge onto the market. 


Councillor Lloyd informed members that this matter was also considered by the Planning Policy Committee at its meeting held on 30 May 2023 and 04 July 2023 at which there were no amendments made to the recommendations as set out in the report.


Councillor Lloyd and supporting officers responded to questions raised.


Councillor Rennie joined the meeting at 14:54


Following debate, a motion proposed by Councillor Lloyd to adopt the recommendations set out in the report was seconded by Councillor Bowdell.


Following a vote in which there was one abstention, it was




(1)      Havant Borough Council enter into a nutrient neutrality mitigation agreement and authority be delegated:


a.         to the Executive Head of Place in consultation with the Monitoring Officer and Section 151 officer to enter into a legal agreement with the South Downs National Park Authority and the mitigation land owner at Warnford Park, Warnford, Hampshire; and


b.         to the Executive Head of Place in consultation with Cabinet Lead for Planning, Environment and Water Quality to enter into other legal agreements for third party strategic nutrient neutrality mitigation schemes, following agreement of them from Natural England.


(2)        the officers update the Planning Policy Committee annually, or sooner if requested by the Chair, on the planning based measures being put in place to preserve and enhance the Borough’s natural environment. This would include, but not be limited to, nutrient neutrality.

11 Cabinet Lead Delegated Decisions, Minutes from Meetings etc.



1.                  the Delegated Decision as set out in the agenda be noted; and


2.                  the minutes of meetings as set out in the agenda be noted.

12 Appointments to Outside Bodies

The Deputy Leader informed Cabinet the Leader of the Council wished appoint Councillor Fairhurst as Standing Deputy to represent the Council on the Local Government Association Coastal Issues Special Interest Group (SIG). 


A motion proposed by Councillor Robinson to adopt the recommendations set out in the report was seconded by Councillor Rennie.


Following a vote, it was




1)                  Councillor Fairhurst be appointed as Standing Deputy to represent the Council on the Local Government Association Coastal Issues Special Interest Group (SIG); 


2)                  attendance at the meetings of the organisation set out in 1) above to qualify as an Approved Duty; and


3)                  the appointment to have effect until the first meeting of the Cabinet in the 2024/2025 municipal year.

Other items:
Item Title Minutes

Meeting Attendees

Councillor Alex Rennie photo
Leader of the Council
Leader of the Council
Councillor Alex Rennie


Present, as expected

Councillor Andrew Briggs photo
Assistant Cabinet Lead - Performance, Risk and Service Improvement
Councillor Andrew Briggs



Councillor Elizabeth Lloyd  (formerly known as Dianne) photo
Committee Member
Cabinet Lead for Planning, Environment and Water Quality
Councillor Elizabeth Lloyd (formerly known as Dianne)


Present, as expected

Councillor Gwen Robinson photo
Deputy Leader of the Council, Cabinet Lead for Communities and Housing
Councillor Gwen Robinson


Present, as expected

Councillor Julie Richardson photo
Assistant Cabinet Lead - Hayling Island Seafront and Tourism
Councillor Julie Richardson


Present, as expected

Councillor Liz Fairhurst photo
Committee Member
Cabinet Lead for Coastal
Councillor Liz Fairhurst


Present, as expected

Councillor Lulu Bowerman photo
Committee Member
Cabinet Lead for Commercial
Councillor Lulu Bowerman


Present, as expected

Councillor Neil Bowdell photo
Committee Member
Cabinet Lead for Finance
Councillor Neil Bowdell


Present, as expected

Councillor Richard Stone photo
Assisting Cabinet Lead - Coastal
Councillor Richard Stone


Present, as expected

Democratic Services Officer
Emma Carlyle



Lauren Maidens



Spare Copies



Democratic & Electoral Services Manager
Jenni Harding




This meeting detail is from Havant Borough Council website