Eastleigh Borough Council Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee Meeting

June 16, 2022, 6 p.m.


This is a meeting of the Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee of Eastleigh Borough Council held on the 16th Jun 2022.

The last meeting of the Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee was on the 18th Jul 2024, and the next meeting will be 5th Sep 2024.

Meeting Status


Agenda Published


Decisions Published


Minutes Published


Meeting Location

Pilands Wood Centre, Chamberlayne Rd, Southampton SO31 8DT

Meeting Recordings

We know of no meeting recordings. If you know of one, let us know.


Item Title Minutes
2 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest in relation to items of business on the agenda.

3 Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes of Previous Meeting



That the minutes of the meeting held on 3 March 2022 be approved as correct.

4 Public Participation

Ex-councillor David Airey spoke to request an update on the status of 76 Victoria Road, which was due to become a locally protected property to ensure it is protected in the future.


The Local Area Manager stated that they had confirmation that it was suitable to become a locally protected property and they were hoping to have a further update on when in September.


A statement was read out from a member of the public regarding lopping of trees in the area.


It was agreed a written response would be provided in due course.

5 Chair's Announcements

There were no Chair’s announcements on this occasion.

6 Report of the Local Area Manager Finance Report BHH 16.06.2022
Good News Stories for June LAC 2022

Consideration was given to the report of the Local Area Manager (agenda item 6) that contained recommendations for expenditure from the Committee’s developer contributions.





That the Committee:


(1)  Approved the allocation of £838 to replace a knee rail and supporting posts at the Priory Road and St Edwards Junction.

(2)  Approved the allocation of £1600 to install four standard floor mounted Broxap Derby 120L dual waste bins at Victoria Road, Netley, the Hamble Rail Trail and two bins in Pilands Wood, Bursledon.

(3)  Approved the allocation of £650.00 to supply and install dragons’ teeth on Grange Road, Netley and Coach Road, Hamble

(4)   Noted the achievements in the local area supported by the Local Area Manager, highlighted in appendix A.

7 Appointments to Outside Bodies, Regulatory Panels and Other Groups Appendix - Appointments to Outside Bodies 2022 23
Appointment to Outside Bodies - Report 22 23

The Committee considered the report of the Local Area Manager (agenda item 7) concerning appointments to regulatory panels, other groups and outside bodies.


The Local Area Manager (LAM) updated the Committee that there was a change to appointment 1i and that Councillor Jarvis would now be the representative for Bursledon and District Community Association Board.


The Chair requested that the Local Area Manager check that the Solent Sea Rescue Organisation group was still running.


Councillor Manning also requested clarity on whether Hamble Community Sports College Community Management Committee was still meeting as he had received an email that appeared to say it wasn’t.




(1)   That the Bursledon Hamble and Hound Local Area Committee make appointments to the following Outside Bodies:

i)  Bursledon and District Community Association Board – Councillor Liz Jarvis

ii)  Hamble Community Sports College Community Management Committee – Councillor Adam Manning

iii)  Hampshire Buildings Preservation Trust – Ross McClean (LAM)

iv)  Pilands Wood Community Association – Councillor Tonia Craig

v)  River Hamble Management Committee – Councillor Jane Rich

vi)  Solent Sea Rescue Organisation – Councillor Jane Rich

vii)Standing Conference on Problems Associated with the Coastline – Councillor Malcolm Cross with officer representative, David Pickett.

(2)  That all members of the Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee be appointed to the Regulatory Panel to form a pool for all licensing appeals from which any three can be selected;

(3)   That Councillors Craig, Cross and Jarvis be appointed to Licensing Panels as appointed by full Council for the purposes of the Licensing Act 2003 or the Gambling Act 2005;

(4)   It is recommended that the Bursledon, Hamble and Hound Local Area Committee make appointments to the following other groups;


i)  Bursledon Windmill Joint Management Committee – Councillor Malcolm Cross.

8 Presentation on Planning Guidelines

The Principal Planning Officer gave a short presentation on guidelines that had to be taken into account when determining planning applications; in particular the issues that could, and could not, be taken into account.  This was set against the broader policy framework.

9 Planning Application - Edenbridge House, School Road, Bursledon, Southampton, SO31 8BW - H/22/92544 H_22_92544 BHH Committee Report

The Committee considered the report of Executive Head of Planning & Economy (agenda item9) concerning an application forthe construction of a two-storey rear extension and elevational alterations (H/22/92544).


The Committee were updated that:


  The applicant had omitted the entrance gates from the plans.  


  The Built Heritage Consultant had withdrawn his objection.


  Ecologist & Tree Consultant – No objection has been raised


  Condition 6: No construction shall start until a Construction Method Statement has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. This shall include details and timings of deliveries, protective measures to safeguard the existing access arrangements from construction traffic (amended), access and parking arrangements for construction vehicles and measures for minimising dust and mud on the surrounding roads. Construction work shall only take place in accordance with the approved method statement.


Councillor Holes requested that once the method statement was received that it be sent to the Chair and Vice-Chair for approval.




That permission be GRANTED with the following amended condition:

·  Condition 6: No construction shall start until a Construction Method Statement has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. This shall include details and timings of deliveries, protective measures to safeguard the existing access arrangements from construction traffic, access and parking arrangements for construction vehicles and measures for minimising dust and mud on the surrounding roads. Construction work shall only take place in accordance with the approved method statement.


(NOTE: A written statement was received in objection to the application, which was forwarded to the Committee.


The applicant’s planning agent spoke in support of the application.)


10 Planning Appeals

The Legal Services Manager reported:-


(a)  that the following appeals had been lodged:


Land behind 100 Station Road, Netley, Southampton, SO31 5AJ


Appeal against refusal to carry out works to protected trees. (Ref: T/21/89889)

This was a delegated decision, and the appeal will follow the fast track written representations appeals procedure. 


50 Kingsfield Gardens, Bursledon, Southampton, SO31 8AY


Appeal against refusal of planning permission for raised decking to front elevation. (Ref: H/21/91331)


This was a delegated decision.


Land at Satchell Lane, Hamble-Le-Rice


Appeal against refusal of planning permission for residential development of 61.no dwellings, with associated public open space, landscaping and amenity areas with access off Satchell Lane. (Ref: F/20/89488)


This was a delegated decision.


(b)  that the following appeals had been approved:


17 Crowsport, Hamble-Le-Rice, SO31 4HG


Appeal against refusal of planning permission for the conversion of a temporary marquee carport to a rendered garage/carport. (Ref: H/21/89749)


This was a delegated decision.


Brambles, Salterns Lane, Bursledon, SO31 8DH


Appeal against the refusal for construction of single storey outbuilding and use of land for athlete training purposes. (Ref: F21/90068)


This was a delegated decision.


The appeal was allowed in part and the planning permission Ref F/21/90068 for construction of single storey outbuilding and use of land for athlete training purposes at Brambles, Salterns Lane, Bursledon, Southampton SO31 8DH, granted on 2 July 2021 by Eastleigh Borough Council, is varied by deleting Condition 2 and substituting it for the following condition:

1. The development hereby approved shall be for a limited period expiring on 31 December 2032 or upon the cessation of the use of the development for athlete training purposes by Serena Vincent, whichever date is the soonest. On or before this date, the building and any associated hardstanding, materials and equipment shall be removed from the site, and the land shall be restored to its former use as a paddock, and in a condition in accordance with details that have first been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority.


(c)  that the following appeals had been dismissed:


Swan House & Swan Cottage, 1, 2 Oyster Quay, Hamble-Le-Rice, SO31 4BQ


Appeal against the refusal of planning permission for new second floor extension to access existing roof terrace after removal of existing second floor terrace access structure. (Ref: H/21/90418)


This was a delegated decision.




That the report be noted.

Meeting Attendees

Councillor Liz Jarvis photo
Councillor Liz Jarvis

Liberal Democrat

Present, as expected

Councillor Malcolm Cross photo
Councillor Malcolm Cross

Liberal Democrat

Present, as expected

Councillor Steve Holes photo
Councillor Steve Holes

Liberal Democrat

Present, as expected

Councillor Tonia Craig photo
Cabinet Member for Health and Social Policy
Councillor Tonia Craig

Liberal Democrat

Present, as expected

Councillor Jane Rich


Present, as expected

Mayor of Eastleigh
Councillor Adam Manning


Present, as expected

Local Area Manager
Ross McClean



Jo Rennison



Assistant Local Area Manager
Becky Wiseman



Senior Solicitor
Julia Davies



Previous Committee Meetings


18th Jul 2024 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee


14th Mar 2024 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee


25th Jan 2024 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee


30th Nov 2023 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee


28th Sep 2023 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee


8th Jun 2023 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee


16th Mar 2023 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee


26th Jan 2023 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee


1st Dec 2022 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee


22nd Sep 2022 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee

Future Committee Meetings


5th Sep 2024 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee


21st Nov 2024 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee


23rd Jan 2025 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee


6th Mar 2025 Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee


This meeting detail is from Eastleigh Borough Council website