This is a meeting of the Council of Hart Borough Council held on the 27th Jul 2023.
The last meeting of the Council was on the 28th Nov 2024, and the next meeting will be 30th Jan 2025.
Council Chamber
Item | Title | Minutes | ||||||||||||||||||
Minutes , 18/05/2023 Council
Minutes of Previous Meeting 23 05 18 AGM Written Response to Question Minute 6 The Minutes of the Meeting of 18 May 2023 and the Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 18 May 2023 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Apologies were received from Councillors Bailey, Butler, Dorn, Hale and Oliver.
Cllr Farmer declared a non-pecuniary interest in Minute 22 as Chairman of Hart Swimming Club, which rented space at Hart Leisure Centre.
Cllr Butcher declared an interest in Minute 22 as this related to his substantive business interests, although it would be unlikely he would be involved in the work outlined in the Motion.
No questions had been received from members of the public.
No questions had been received from members.
The Chairman’s engagements since the last meeting were noted:
7 June: Berkeley Homes - Handover of the Hartland Village Community Training Hub to Men's Sheds 11 June: Mayor of Basingstoke Coronation Civic Sunday Service 14 June: Fleet Social Bowling Club Centenary Celebrations 15 June: Minley Station Beating Retreat and Cocktail Party at Gibraltar Barracks 19 June: Basingstoke & Deane Armed Forces Day Flag Raising Ceremony 24 June: Royal British Legion Annual Poppy Appeal Garden Party 25 June: Lions Funfest at Yateley Manor School 26 June: HM Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire Reception for Civic Heads 6 July: St Nicholas School Prize Giving Ceremony 7 July: Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award Holders' Reception at the Great Hall in Winchester 11 July: Test Valley Borough Council Civic Service
The Chairman announced his Charities for the year:
Vision For Youth, based in Yateley Fleet Phoenix, based in Fleet
The Chairman also wished to encourage employers within Hart to become Armed Forces Covenant champions. |
The Leader of the Council, and Portfolio Holder for Strategic Direction, and Partnerships, Councillor Neighbour???reported that the County Deal was no longer being taken forward The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance, Councillor Radley?reported that Members would have seen from Overview & Scrutiny minutes that the outturn against budget for 2022/23 showed an underspend of £1.3M, primarily due to good financial management and increased income from interest.? Most of this had been transferred to reserves, Members were to bear in mind that the resultant increase in contracted inflation meant that this would likely be required to meet costs in 2023/24. The Portfolio Holder for Communities, Councillor Bailey. In Cllr Bailey’s absence, the Leader reminded Members that there was funding available in household support funds and that residents in need could be referred to [email protected], and Officers would help them to access available funding relative to their needs The Portfolio Holder for Digital and Communications, Councillor Clarke thanked Members for taking the time to have their photographs taken before the Council meeting.? Members were also informed that the new look Hart News would be delivered to week commencing 31 July.?? The Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy and Place, Councillor Cockarill??reported that there was approximately a month left to run on the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure (LCWIP) consultation.? To date, there had been around 200 responses to the consultation, which was in line with the number received by both and Basingstoke & Deane.? It was questioned whether the figure was felt to be light and what was proposed to be done to increase the number of responses within Hart.? ? The Portfolio Holder for Regulatory, Councillor Collins?had nothing to report The Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and Development Management, Councillor Oliver was absent from the meeting? The Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Corporate Services, Councillor Quarterman?gave Members updates on the Waste contract and also Climate Change activities.? Cabinet was due to consider a report the following week which identified a major risk and financial impact facing the waste collection service.? It was likely that the cost of the service would increase significantly.? There were further implications from the Environment Act, although very little detail from the Government had yet been forthcoming and there was no certainty around funding and timing.? Work to meet the Council’s Climate Change Emergency response was ongoing, and an itemised plan had now been developed which breaks down the five principal headings of Buildings, Energy, Transport, Communications and District Wide.? Cabinet will receive six-monthly reports on progress against the plan, and further updates will be provided to full Council.
The Chief Executive reported that the move from the first to the third floor was now complete and that work on behalf of Farnborough College of Technology (FCOT) was now underway to convert the first floor into classrooms.
Minutes Public Pack, 01/06/2023 Cabinet
Minutes Public Pack, 06/07/2023 Cabinet Minutes , 20/06/2023 Overview and Scrutiny Committee Minutes , 19/04/2023 Planning Committee Minutes , 14/06/2023 Planning Committee Minutes , 26/06/2023 Planning Enforcement Sub-Committee Minutes Public Pack, 04/04/2023 Staffing Committee Draft Exempt Minutes - July Cabinet 2023 (1) Minutes , 06/06/2023 Licensing Committee The Minutes of the following Committees, which met on the dates shown, were received by Council.
The following motion was moved by Cllr Butcher and seconded by Cllr Forster.? ? “That Hart District Council undertake a feasibility study by November 2023 into the implementation at Hart Leisure Centre of a solar voltaic electricity installation and regenerative waste heat recovery plant packaged as data centre linked to the swimming pool. The objectives of this study would technical feasibility, cost, commercial arrangements and viability, carbon savings of a scheme and outline project plan, with cost of £20k funded from the Climate Change Fund.” ? The Portfolio Holder for Climate Change responded by reminding Members that developing a decarbonisation plan was part of the overall Climate Change plan for the Council.? It was also to be noted that there were two leisure centres within the , and that plans would be developed for both.? As part of the Climate Change proposals being brought to August’s Cabinet meeting, a request for funding for a consultant to reduce the carbon impact of the leisure centres would be included.? However, with items likely to be costly to implement, grant funding wherever possible to help with costs would be sought. ? The Portfolio Holder therefore proposed an amendment to the Motion as follows, which broadened the scope of the Motion to cover both leisure removed the specific deadline date and cost of the work. ? “That Hart District
Council continues
with its plan to undertake a feasibility
study of the
options for reducing carbon usage
? The amendment was seconded by Cllr Neighbour. ? It was questioned whether the amendment could be accepted under the rules of the Constitution.? The Chief Executive confirmed that the amendment did not negate the original motion, but simply amended it. ? Councillors heard that:
· As the significant proportion of CO2 was produced from the Hart Leisure Centre, it was felt there was little merit in pursuing decarbonisation plans for both leisure centres.? · There was concern around whether it was felt that the proposed amendments would produce a significant delay to the project.? · Whether this was the most efficient way to spend the more than £4M that it would cost to · The suggestion should be incorporated into the programme of options for reducing the carbon footprint of the leisure centres · Consideration would need to be given to the disruption to the leisure centre, including car parking; closure of the swimming pool ? A recorded vote was held on the amendment: ? For:? ; Blewett; Clarke; ; Collins; Crisp; Davies; Delaney; Engstrom; Harward; Makepeace-Browne; Neighbour; Quarterman; Radley; Thomas; Vernon; Woods (17) Against:? Butcher; Coburn; Crampton; Farmer; Forster; Kennett; Southern; Worlock; Wright (9) Abstain:? Smith; Wildsmith (2) ? The amendment was CARRIED ? The substantive Motion as follows was debated: ? “That Hart District Council continues with its plan to undertake a feasibility study of the options for reducing carbon usage at both of Hart’s Leisure Centres, which should include the option of a solar voltaic electricity installation and regenerative waste heat recovery plant packaged as a data centre linked to the swimming pool. The objectives of this study would technical feasibility, cost, commercial arrangements and viability, carbon savings of a scheme and outline project plan, with the cost met from the Climate Change funding approved at the Council meeting in February 2023.” ? Cllr Forster proposed an amendment to the new substantive Motion, seconded by Cllr Butcher.? This amendment was accepted through the Chair without debate. ? “That Hart District Council continues with its plan to undertake a feasibility study by the end of the financial year 2023/,of the options for reducing carbon usage at both of Hart’s Leisure Centres, which should include the option of a solar voltaic electricity installation and regenerative waste heat recovery plant packaged as a data centre linked to the swimming pool. The objectives of this study would technical feasibility, cost, commercial arrangements and viability, carbon savings of a scheme and outline project plan, with the cost met from the Climate Change funding approved at the Council meeting in February 2023.” ? The amended substantive Motion, as above was CARRIED unanimously.
Council was asked to confirm the proposed amendments to the Audit Committee terms of reference and the subsequent amendment to the Constitution.
The proposed amendments to the Audit Committee terms of reference and subsequent amendments to the Constitution were unanimously approved.
Cllr Woods had attended the Blackwater Valley Advisory Committee for Public Transport.? Members were pleased to hear that there had been positive feedback to the £2 bus fare, which would continue into the next quarter. ? Cllr Southern had been unable to attend the last Basingstoke Canal Management Committee meeting, as had Cllr Wildsmith, although he hoped to be able to attend the next meeting.? ? Cllr Southern had attended the last Thames Basin Heaths – Joint Strategic Partnership thanked the Hart Countryside team for their work in keeping our green spaces in such great condition.
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Community Campaign Hart
Community Campaign Hart
Present, as expected
Community Campaign Hart
Present, as expected
Community Campaign Hart
Present, as expected
Community Campaign Hart
Community Campaign Hart
Present, as expected
Community Campaign Hart
Present, as expected
Community Campaign Hart
Present, as expected
Community Campaign Hart
Present, as expected
Community Campaign Hart
Present, as expected
In attendance
In attendance
In attendance
28th Nov 2024 Council
26th Sep 2024 Council
25th Jul 2024 Council
16th May 2024 Council
25th Apr 2024 Council
22nd Feb 2024 Council
25th Jan 2024 Council
30th Nov 2023 Council
28th Sep 2023 Council
27th Jul 2023 Council