Jan. 31, 2024, 6:30 p.m.
This is a meeting of the Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee of Eastleigh Borough Council held on the 31st Jan 2024.
The last meeting of the Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee was on the 22nd Jan 2025, and the next meeting will be 12th Mar 2025.
Woodland Community Centre, 55 Savernake Way, Fair Oak, Eastleigh, SO50 8DH – directions SO50 7FA
Item | Title | Minutes |
2 | Public Participation |
There was no public participation on this occasion. |
3 | Declarations of Interest |
There were no declarations of interest in relation to items of business on the agenda. |
4 | Minutes |
Minutes of Previous Meeting
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2023 be confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record. |
5 | Chair's Announcements |
The Chair thanked Councillor Tidridge for stepping in as Chair in her absence for the November meeting of Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee.
The Chair informed the Committee that the new corporate directors for Eastleigh Borough Council had been on a tour of the local area this week, including Lapstone Playing Fields.
The Chair was troubled that there were ongoing problems with the allotments and other areas not being handed over in a timely manner, and she hoped developers would be speedier. |
6 | Financial Management Report |
Finance Report January 24
Appendix 1 BIFOHHCommitteeReportLapstonePlayingFields The Financial Management Report and Local Area Plan were heard after the planning applications.
Consideration was given to the report of the Lead Local Area Manager (Agenda Item 6) that contained recommendations for expenditure from the Committee’s budget and developer contributions.
The Committee requested that a strategic bin survey be done, which included a map of where bins were currently in place.
That the Committee: (1) Noted the expenditure of £455 towards bin infrastructure in the local area; (2) Allocated £10,000 of developers’ contributions towards the delivery of bin infrastructure across the local area; (3) Allocated £3,380 from reserves for essential tree works in Meadowsweet Way; (4) Allocated £1,500 from reserves towards the tree works fund for predicted expenditure for essential tree works across the local area; and (5) Allocated £57,000 of developers’ contributions towards the delivery of Phase 2 of the Lapstone Playing Fields project. |
7 | Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Area Action Plan 2024 - 2025 |
APPENDIXTWOBIFOHHLocalAreaActionPlan2425v4 Local Area Action Plan BIFOHH 24 25 The Financial Management Report and Local Area Plan were heard after the planning applications.
Consideration was given to the report of the Lead Local Area Manager (Agenda Item 7).
Councillor Tidridge proposed an amendment, which was seconded by Councillor Broomfield, to the wording of a paragraph in Appendix 2.
She proposed that where it says ‘Stoke Park Farm - Support the Council in progressing proposals for Stoke Park Farm, taking account of local views’ should be changed to: · Progress improving Stoke Park Farm in line with this committee’s ambition to establish a local nature reserve on the site, working with the local community.
That the Committee: (1) Noted the progress to date on identified projects and priorities during 2023-2024; and (2) Approved the Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath (BIFOHH) Local Area Action Plan (LAAP) 2024-2025, as shown in Appendix 2, as amended, for adoption and publication. |
8 | Presentation on Planning Guidelines |
The Principal Planning Officer gave a short presentation on guidelines that had to be taken into account when determining planning applications; in particular the aspects that could, and could not, be taken into account. This was set against the broader policy framework. |
9 | Planning Application - Pembers Hill Farm, Mortimers Lane, Fair Oak, Eastleigh, SO50 7EA - PN/23/96630 |
PN 23 96630 BIFOHH Committee Report Final
The Committee considered the report of the Service Director for Planning and Environment (Agenda Item 9) concerning an application for Prior Notification Approval for agricultural access from Pembers Farm Avenue. (Ref: PN/23/96630).
The Committee were updated that a response from Fair Oak Parish Council had now been received as follows:
· Fair Oak Parish Council: Object - On the grounds of highway safety, and request the applicant continue to make use of their current access. We appreciate that some concerns have been answered but the fundamental question of ensuring the safety of children, and other users of the park and its roads when farm traffic is using the estate road, have not. The equipment used for taking hay is large and dangerous and not appropriate for a new housing estate with young families.
The Committee raised concerns that included the safety of the roads on the estate if unrestricted agricultural access was granted, safety of road users and children, removal of hedgerows, and the health and wellbeing of people in the area.
That permission be delegated to the Service Director for Planning and Environment in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair to REFUSE Prior Approval following consideration of any new issues raised by the neighbour notification period which expires on 1 February 2024.
(NOTE: Four people spoke in objection to the application citing concerns, that included but were not limited to, safety of users of the estate and playground near to the entrance proposed, agricultural vehicles using the estate roads, time elapsed from original planning application, safety of children, loss of amenity, mud and debris on the roads from farm vehicles, drains being blocked from cleaning the roads, increase in traffic movements and noise, and loss of hedgerows.
The agent to the applicant spoke in support of the application stating there is an agricultural need for a new access, low vehicle use proposed, and a mud maintenance plan proposed.) |
10 | Planning Application - Brighstone, Botley Road, Horton Heath, Eastleigh, SO50 7DT - F/23/95549 |
F_23_95549 - Brighstone Committee Report
The Committee considered the report of the Service Director for Planning and Environment (Agenda Item 10) concerning an application for the construction of 5.no dwellings, landscaping, parking and associated works following demolition of existing dwelling, site clearance and preparation. (Ref: F/23/95549).
The Committee were updated that there had still been no comments received from Natural England, and that the wording for the recommendation should be amended to read:
· Delegate to Service Director for Planning and Environment in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair to PERMIT subject to the following conditions.
The Committee raised concerns about the application, which included the future pressure and impact on the oak trees with preservation orders due to the proximity of the buildings in plot 5 of the plans, density and overdevelopment of the site, impact on residents in the area, impact on bats who roost in the current building, traffic movements on the proposed road, and not in keeping with the street scene and character of properties in the area.
That permission be delegated to Service Director for Planning and Environment in consultation with Chair and Vice-Chair to REFUSE on grounds of: · Impact upon residential amenity of neighbouring properties; · Future pressure upon protected trees and wider ecology; and · Failure to secure mitigation for impact upon Solent and New Forest SPAs, and River Itchen SAC.
(NOTE: Two people spoke in objection to the application citing concerns, that included but were not limited to, loss of amenity, loss of privacy, impact on outlook, impact on the trees, overlooking, impact of road on neighbouring properties, impact on the day-to-day lives on existing residents, impact on the environment, devaluation of properties, and the size and overdevelopment of the proposal.
The agent to the applicant spoke in support of the application stating that the site was sustainable, the proposals were an acceptable density to the size of the site, and the orientation and placement of properties had been designed to take into account neighbouring properties.) |
11 | Planning Appeals |
The Legal Services Manager reported:-
(a) that the following appeals had been lodged:-
63 Underwood Road, Bishopstoke, Eastleigh. SO50 6FX
Appealed against the Council’s refusal to grant planning permission for a first floor extension and proposed 4-bedroom, two storey end-of-terrace dwelling with associated parking provision (F/22/94422).
This was a Local Area Committee decision.
63 Underwood Road, Bishopstoke, Eastleigh. SO50 6FX
Appealed against the Council’s refusal to grant planning permission for the construction of a five bedroom end-of-terrace dwelling, incorporating existing ground floor addition, with associated parking and external amenity space (F/23/96175).
This was a delegated decision.
Burlair, Botley Road, Horton Heath, Eastleigh, SO50 7DQ
Appealed against the Council’s refusal to grant planning permission for a two storey rear extension, interior and elevational changes, and alterations to fenestration (H/23/95399).
This was a delegated decision.
7 Scotland Close, Fair Oak, Eastleigh, SO50 7BQ
Appealed against the Council’s refusal to grant planning permission for demolition of the existing rear extension, new single and two storey rear extensions, internal alterations, alterations to fenestration, and new terrace (amended description) (H/23/94991).
This was a delegated decision.
(b) that the following appeals had been allowed:-
39 Fair Oak Road, Bishopstoke, Eastleigh, SO50 6LF
Appealed against the Council’s refusal to grant planning permission for the insertion of a new first-floor bay window to the rear elevation of 39 Fair Oak Road (F/23/94642).
This was a delegated decision.
(c) that the following appeals had been dismissed:-
49 Bishopstoke Road, Bishopstoke, Eastleigh, SO50 6BF
Appealed against the Council’s refusal to grant planning permission for a two-bedroom dwelling (F/22/94046).
The appeal for costs was refused.
This was a delegated decision.
39 Fair Oak Road, Bishopstoke, Eastleigh, SO50 6LF
Appealed against the Council’s refusal to grant planning permission for the erection of a two storey dwelling (F/23/94642).
This was a delegated decision.
That the report be noted. |
Liberal Democrat
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
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6th Mar 2024 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
31st Jan 2024 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
29th Nov 2023 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
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12th Jul 2023 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
28th Jun 2023 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
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24th Sep 2025 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
26th Nov 2025 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee