July 12, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
This is a meeting of the Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee of Eastleigh Borough Council held on the 12th Jul 2023.
The last meeting of the Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee was on the 27th Nov 2024, and the next meeting will be 22nd Jan 2025.
Woodland Community Centre, 55 Savernake Way, Fair Oak, Eastleigh, SO50 8DH – directions SO50 7FA
Item | Title | Minutes |
2 | Public Participation |
There was no public participation on this occasion. |
3 | Declarations of Interest |
Councillor Tidridge declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 9, Stoke Park Farm Consultation Response, as a shareholder in land adjacent to the site.
Councillor Couldrey declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 9, Stoke Park Farm Consultation Response, as a near neighbour of the site.
Councillor Parker-Jones declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 9, Stoke Park Farm Consultation Response, as a member of the New Forest National Park Authority. |
4 | Minutes |
Minutes , 28/06/2023 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
That the Minutes of the meeting(s) held on 28 June 2023 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. |
5 | Chair's Announcements |
The Chair thanked and applauded Fair Oak and Horton Heath Parish Council for their hard work on the library, which was due to open soon.
The Chair also thanked and commended Fair Oak and Horton Heath Parish Council for their work on the planters, which had been great for the local community. |
6 | Presentation on Planning Guidelines |
The Principal Planning Officer gave a short presentation on guidelines that had to be taken into account when determining planning applications; in particular the aspects that could, and could not, be taken into account. This was set against the broader policy framework. |
7 | Planning Application - 32 Bradshaw Close, Fair Oak, SO50 7BS - H/23/94919 |
H_23_94919 BIFOHH Committee Report
The Committee was updated that: · The height of the replacement fencing (i.e. the first 3 panels from the rear of the dwelling) was amended from 2.4m above the ground level to 1.8m above the level of the patio/terrace. · The drawing numbers of condition 1 were updated as follows: Condition 1: The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the following plans numbered: 004, 005 Rev F and B.C,006 Rev F Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. · There was suggested revised wording of condition 3 and it would be merged with condition 2, as follows: Condition 2: Within 3 months from the date of this permission, the existing boundary treatment along the southern side of the patio/terrace (i.e. the first 3 panels from the rear of the dwelling) shall be raised to a height of 1.8 metres above the level of the patio/terrace. The revised boundary treatment shall match as closely as possible, in type, colour and texture that used on the remainder of the southern boundary fence and permanently retained for the lifetime of the development. Reason: To protect the amenity and privacy of the neighbouring property and ensure a satisfactory visual relationship.
There was lengthy discussion around the design and layout of the patio and fence and the effect it would have on the neighbouring property, including concerns regarding overlooking, lack of privacy and light.
That the application be DEFERRED pending further details and clarifications on dimensions of the raised patio.
(NOTE: One member of the public spoke in objection to the application, citing concerns that included but was not limited to, inaccurate and inappropriate detail in the report, effect on amenity, plans in contravention to DM1, loss of privacy, overlooking, design and layout of the patio being unfair and unreasonable for the neighbouring property.) |
8 | Planning Application - Cockpit Farm Barn, Knowle Lane, Horton Heath - F/23/94713 |
F_23_94713 BIFOHH Committee Report FINAL
Cockpit Farm Update The Committee considered the report of the Service Director for Planning and Environment (Agenda Item 8) concerning an application for construction of 6.no dwellings, including landscaping, parking and associated works following demolition and site preparation. (Ref: HF23/94713).
The Committee was updated that there was suggested revised wording of condition 13 from:
Energy Efficiency Prior to the occupation of the dwellings hereby approved, supporting information to confirm the developmentachieves BREEAM ‘excellent’ (or equivalent) or BREEAM ‘very good’ plus ‘passivhaus’ certification including a 15% improvement in predicted carbon emissions and meets criteria a-e of part 2 of local plan policy DM2 shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To support a comprehensive approach to high quality design across the site and to achieve water efficiency in accordance with Policy DM2 of the Eastleigh Borough Local Plan (2016 – 2036).
Energy Efficiency Prior to the occupation of the dwellings hereby approved, supporting information to confirm the development meets criteria a-e of part 2 of local plan policy DM2 shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To support a comprehensive approach to high quality design across the site and to achieve water efficiency in accordance with Policy DM2 of the Eastleigh Borough Local Plan (2016 – 2036).
As Part 1 criteria b) of policy D2 excludes residential development and so was not relevant as it is covered by criteria a) of Part 1 of policy D2.
There was lengthy discussion on the application, and the Committee raised concerns, including the loss of the settlement gap, the mitigations for the project, the increase of traffic movements and safety of pedestrians.
Councillor Marsh thanked speakers for their input and points raised.
To delegate back to the Service Director for Planning and Environment in conjunction with the Chair and Vice Chair to REFUSE PLANNING PERMISSION and to agree final wording for reasons on the grounds of: • Increased impact and urbanising effect on countryside and settlement gap; • Insufficient information to demonstrate vehicle and pedestrian safety; and • Lack of mitigation to offset the impacts of the development on the European protected sites from nitrogen loading.
(NOTE: Three people spoke in objection to the application citing concerns that included but were not limited to road safety, lack of surveys of traffic density, safety of pedestrians and residents, lack of pavement in the design, loss of settlement gap, displacement of wildlife and vegetation destruction, urbanisation of the area, discrepancy in planning permissions previously refused in the area, and traffic volume increasing.
The agent to the applicant spoke in support of the application.)
9 | Stoke Park Farm Consultation Response |
Stoke Park Farm BiFOHH Cabinet
Appendix 1 2023 Appendix 1 App A - SPF Proposal Appendix 1 App B Cabinet Report Appendix 1 App C - Survey Data Appendix 1 App D - Local Area Response Appendix 1 App E - FO&HH Minutes Appendix 1 App F - ADD Appendix 1 App G - Friends of Wildern Appendix 1 App H - Eastleigh Ramblers Appendix 1 App I - Meeting 09022023 Appendix 1 App J - Meeting 15022023 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 The Committee considered the Stoke Park Farm Consultation Response.
Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee were asked to provide feedback on the following recommendations:
(1) Approve the progression of proposals for Stoke Park Farm, outlined in paragraph 9 of this report, which provide additional amenities and greater public access whilst promoting, protecting, restoring and enhancing the natural environment; (2) Make a commitment that future uses will not lead to traffic movements in excess of those that could already be generated from the site prior to the Council acquiring the land. (3) Support the creation of a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace scheme on part of the site subject to planning permission and feedback from the Local Area Committee with a target that the SANG should be operational in Spring 2024. (4) Support the Council entering into a 25 year agreement with the Newt Conservation Partnership to create habitat and ponds for great-crested newts subject to planning permission subject to feedback from the Local Area Committee. Councillor Parker-Jones moved the following amendments to the recommendations, which included amendments to the wording and further recommendations, which were seconded by Councillor Tidridge:
1) Approved the progression of proposals for Stoke Park Farm, outlined in paragraph 9 of this report, which provided additional amenities and greater public access whilst promoting, protecting, restoring and enhancing the natural environment; 2) Supported the creation of a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace scheme on part of the site, subject to planning permission, with a target that the SANG should be operational in Spring 2024; 3) Supported the Council entering into a 25 year agreement with the Newt Conservation Partnership to create habitat and ponds for great-crested newts, subject to planning permission and subject to feedback from the Local Area Committee; 4) Recommended that the level of vehicle movements does not exceed the actual vehicle movements of the sites used as a dairy farm immediately before it ceased operating as a dairy farm prior to acquisition by the Council; 5) Requested for further protection of the site, and clarification of the management plans for the whole site; 6) Reminded Cabinet that Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee passed a motion on 9 March 2022 that Stoke Park Farm should become a local Nature Reserve, and suggested to Cabinet that this should be achieved within the next 10 years; 7) Recommended that the car parking spaces available should be reduced, or to explore whether existing car parking owned by Bishopstoke Parish council could be used instead; 8) Recommended that there should be a retention of the barn like structure to support the nesting swallows; and 9) Asked that Cabinet take account of the comprehensive feedback from Bishopstoke and Fair Oak Parish Councils.
That the recommendations, as amended, be approved and recommended to Cabinet.
(NOTE: Councillor Tidridge declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 9, Stoke Park Farm Consultation Response, as a shareholder in land adjacent to the site.
Councillor Couldrey declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 9, Stoke Park Farm Consultation Response, as a near neighbour of the site.
Councillor Parker-Jones declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 9, Stoke Park Farm Consultation Response, as a member of the New Forest National Park Authority.)
10 | Financial Management Report |
Financial Management
Consideration was given to the report of the Lead Local Area Manager (Agenda Item 10) that contained recommendations to extend the funding window for feasibility studies to improve existing facilities in Bishopstoke.
That the Committee: (1) Approved the revised deadline of 12 January 2024 for Bishopstoke Parish Council to complete the feasibility studies for the provision of a boardwalk at Bishopstoke Cemetery, and to improve the water supply for the allotments at Underwood Road; and (2) Agreed that the Lead Local Area Manager provided a letter to the Clerk of Bishopstoke Parish Council to confirm the terms of the funding arrangement. |
11 | Appointments to Outside Bodies |
Appointments to Outside Bodies docx
Consideration was given to the report of the Lead Local Area Manager (Agenda Item 11) concerning appointments to outside bodies.
That the Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee made the following appointment to the following Outside Bodies for the 2023/24 municipal year:
i. Twynams Charities – Councillor Gin Tidridge
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
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6th Mar 2024 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
31st Jan 2024 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
29th Nov 2023 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
27th Sep 2023 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
12th Jul 2023 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
28th Jun 2023 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
8th Mar 2023 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
22nd Jan 2025 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
12th Mar 2025 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
25th Jun 2025 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
24th Sep 2025 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee
26th Nov 2025 Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee