This is a meeting of the Licensing & Regulation Committee of Winchester City Borough Council held on the 7th Dec 2022.
The last meeting of the Licensing & Regulation Committee was on the 4th Dec 2024, and the next meeting will be 6th Mar 2025.
Walton Suite, WInchester Guildhall
Item | Title | Minutes |
1 | Apologies and Deputy Members |
Apologies and deputy members were noted as set out above.
2 | Disclosures of Interests |
Councillor Achwal declared a personal but not prejudicial interest as a resident of Whiteley Town Council area and chair of the Advisory Group.
Councillor Small also declared a personal but not prejudicial interest as a resident of Whiteley Town Council area.
Councillor Pearson declared a personal but not prejudicial interest as a member of the Whiteley Development Forum.
3 | Minutes |
Minutes , 06/09/2022 Licensing & Regulation Committee
That the minutes of the previous meeting held 6 September 2022 be agreed as a correct record.
4 | Public Participation |
Representations were received from Mike Evans (Whiteley Town Council) and Eric Bodger (Curdridge Parish Council) as summarised briefly under the minute below. |
5 | North Whiteley Community Governance Review (LR561) |
LR561 - North Whiteley CGR
The Interim Service Lead: Legal introduced the report and highlighted the intention to formally introduce the reorganisation order in time for the local elections in May 2023. To this end, an additional meeting of the Committee was proposed for Tuesday 31 January 2023, but this meeting would only be required if substantive issues arose during the further consultation period (recommendation 4 of the report refers).
Mike Evans (Whiteley Town Council) and Eric Bodger (Curdridge Parish Council) addressed the committee as summarised briefly below.
Mike Evans He thanked the officers involved in the governance review process to date. Whiteley Town Council believed that a town council covering the whole Whiteley Winchester area would be more efficient in delivering local services as well as representing the local community more effectively. The future town council would include councillors elected from the whole area and two North Whiteley residents had already been co-opted onto the council. The council supported the draft recommendations at Appendix 3 of the report and would hope that changes could be introduced before the May 2023 local elections.
Eric Bodger He reiterated the thanks to officers and also to Councillor Achwal for chairing the Advisory Group. Curdridge Parish Council supported the draft recommendations and also hoped the changes could be introduced in time for the May 2023 elections. The parish council held a reserve of £10,514 for transfer to the Whiteley Town Council which could be written into the reorganisation order. He highlighted that confirmation of the boundary change was necessary for the parish council to set an accurate precept for 2023/24.
The Interim Service Lead: Legal responded to members’ questions on the report and appendices. He agreed to provide further clarification to committee members on the following:
(a) The section 106 agreement and deeds of variation currently being negotiated (paragraph 5.3 of the report refers); (b) The basis of the estimated population rise in the North Whiteley area referred to in paragraph 11.24 of the report.
During debate, some members expressed the view that the number of parish councillors on the new Town Council should be increased to reflect the number of residents. The Service Lead confirmed that the number currently proposed was within the statutory guidance and had been supported by the town council. The recommendation about the number of parish councillors was part of the consultation process and could be reviewed as part of that process.
1. That the results of the recent consultation on the options for the future governance arrangements for the North Whiteley major development area be noted.
2. That the draft recommendations be approved, as set out in in Appendix 3, so they can be the subject of a further 28-day consultation to allow those with an interest to provide their views on the proposed changes.
3. That provided the further consultation process does not give rise to any issues that would require major changes to the draft recommendations, authority be delegated the Service Lead – Legal, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee and the Cabinet Member for Inclusion and Engagement, to finalise the recommendations of the review so they can be considered, along with a reorganisation order to implement any changes, by the full council at its meeting on 18 January 2023.
4. That if any substantive issues arise during the further consultation process, the recommendations should be brought back to this committee to be finalised, at a special meeting on 31 January 2023, prior to consideration of final recommendations and a reorganisation order, at the full council meeting on 23 February 2023.
5. That it be noted that that whilst a reorganisation order can be made at any time following a review, for administrative and financial purposes, orders should take effect on the 1 April following the date on which the order is made, and electoral arrangements then come into force at the first elections to the parish council following the reorganisation order.
6. That it be noted that if, for any reason, a reorganisation order is not made by the end of February, there would be insufficient time to put the necessary electoral arrangements in place for the elections in 2023. In this scenario it would be prudent to:
a. Publish the recommendations of the review within the 12-month time limit. b. Make the reorganisation order later in 2023, so that the administrative, financial, and electoral changes will come into effect from 1 April 2024.
Item | Title | Minutes |
0 | Appointment of vice-chairperson for the meeting |
In the absence of Councillor McLean, a vice-chairperson was appointed for the meeting.
That Councillor Laming be appointed as vice-chairperson for the meeting. |
Liberal Democrat
Not required
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
In attendance
Liberal Democrat
Liberal Democrat
Not required
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as expected
Present, as substitute
Present, as expected
Not required
Present, as expected
Apologies, sent representative
In attendance
4th Dec 2024 Licensing & Regulation Committee
3rd Sep 2024 Licensing & Regulation Committee (Cancelled)
17th Jun 2024 Licensing & Regulation Committee (Cancelled)
27th Feb 2024 Licensing & Regulation Committee (Cancelled)
6th Dec 2023 Licensing & Regulation Committee
5th Sep 2023 Licensing & Regulation Committee
6th Jun 2023 Licensing & Regulation Committee (Cancelled)
21st Feb 2023 Licensing & Regulation Committee (Cancelled)
31st Jan 2023 Licensing & Regulation Committee
7th Dec 2022 Licensing & Regulation Committee
6th Mar 2025 Licensing & Regulation Committee