Havant Borough Council Planning Committee Meeting

Jan. 11, 2024, 5 p.m.


This is a meeting of the Planning Committee of Havant Borough Council held on the 11th Jan 2024.

The last meeting of the Planning Committee was on the 25th Jul 2024, and the next meeting will be 15th Aug 2024.

Meeting Status


Agenda Published


Decisions Published


Minutes Published


Meeting Location

Hurstwood Room, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, Hampshire PO9 2AX

Meeting Recordings

We know of no meeting recordings. If you know of one, let us know.


Item Title Minutes
1 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Linger.

2 Minutes Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes of the Site Viewing Working Party

RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 23 November 2023 and the minutes of the Site Viewing Working Party held on 04 January 2024 be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

3 Declarations of Interests
4 Matters to be Considered for Deferment or Site Viewing

There were no matters to be considered for site viewing and deferment.

5. 1 APP/21/01451 - Southleigh Park House, Eastleigh Road, Havant 24 0111 - Planning Committee Report
APPENDIX D - Superseded Site Layout December 2021
Supplementary Item 2 - Tree removals Plan
Supplementary Item 3 - Tree Information
Supplementary Item 4 - Tree Map
Update report - Planning Committee 11th January
Deputation For Planning Meeting 11 Jan 24 William Chalker
240109_Written statement by planning agent tor_Redacted
240109_Written statement by applicant

(The site was viewed by the Site Viewing Working Party.)


Proposal: Reserved Matters application for the scale and appearance of the development, the landscaping of the site and the layout of buildings pursuant to Planning Permission ref. APP/17/00863 (B) (Outline Application (All Matters Reserved except means of access) for the demolition of 1983 office building and associated brick and glass corridor link and development of up to 70 residential units, associated landscaping, parking and infrastructure works).


The Committee considered the written report and recommendation from the Head of Planning to grant approval of reserved matters.


The Committee received supplementary information, circulated prior to the

meeting, which included:



1.     Planning Report APP/21/01451- Southleigh Park House, Eastleigh Road, Havant 

2.     Additional Tree Information 

3.     Minutes of the Site Viewing Working Party, Update Paper and Deputations received 


The Committee was addressed by: Mr Chalker, Mr Wingfield and Mr Vallins.



1.                  Mr Chalker, reiterated the issues set out in the written deputation submitted.


2.                  Mr Wingfield and Mr Vallins, on behalf of Bargate Homes reiterated the points set out in the written deputation submitted.


In response to questions from members of the Committee, Mr Winfield and Mr Vallins stated that:

a)    The intention for the proposal was to introduce 41 new houses and to ensure a balance between sufficient tree planting and a suitable living environment. There are 44 proposed new trees being planted, of good quality to ensure they survive and thrive long term.

b)    The proposal made use of the existing pond to provide gravity connections to help avoid flooding as well permeable paving and various forms of drainage.



The officers commented on the issues raised by public speakers and in the written submissions as follows:


a)    The matter of access and transport would have been addressed in the outline stage of the original application.


The Committee discussed the application in detail together with the views raised by deputees.


Members commended the developers for their efforts to keep the site in an acceptable manner and for saving as many trees as possible whilst providing housing for the borough.


RESOLVED that application APP/21/01451 be granted permission subject to:


(A)     No objection being raised to the HRA/AA by Natural England within the statutory consultation period;


(B)     Confirmation by the independent assessor that the conclusions of the submitted Viability Assessment are correct; and


(C)     The following conditions (subject to such changes and/or additions that the Head of Planning considers necessary to impose prior to the issuing of the decision):


1.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


BARG230130_CSL.01_F Coloured Site Layout

BARG230130_ERPTCL.01_C Existing and Proposed Tree Comparison Layout

BARG230130_SL.01_F  Site Layout

Barrell plan ref 20122-10 Tree Removals Plans

6281-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-001-PL8 Engineering Layout (Sheet 1 of 2)

6281-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-002-PL8 Engineering Layout (Sheet 2 of 2)        

6281-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-003-PL5 Drainage Strategy Layout         

6281-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-004-PL5 Exceedance Flow Routes         

6281-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-010-PL7 Service Margin Layout (Sheet 1 of 2)   

6281-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-011-PL7 Service Margin Layout (Sheet 2 of 2)   

6281-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-090-PL7 Refuse Vehicle Tracking (Sheet 1 of 2) 

6281-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-091-PL7 Refuse Vehicle Tracking (Sheet 2 of 2) 

6281-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-092-PL7 Fire Tender Tracking (Sheet 1 of 2)      

6281-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-093-PL7 Fire Tender Tracking (Sheet 2 of 2)      

6281-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-094-PL7 Suv Car Tracking (Sheet 1 of 2)

6281-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-095-PL7 Suv Car Tracking (Sheet 2 of 2)

6281-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-096-PL7 Visibility And Road Dimensions            

6281-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-101-PL2 Road 1 Cross Sections  

6281-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-104-PL2 Road 9 Cross Sections 

6281-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-400-PL6 Surfacing Layout 

2237-TF-XX-00-DR-L-1003 General Arrangement With Strategic Landscape Planting

BARG230130_BML.01_E Boundary Materials Layout         

BARG230130_DML.01_E Dwelling Materials Layout          

BARG230130_PSL.01_E Parking Strategy Layout 

BARG230130_RSL.01_E Refuse Strategy Layout 

6281-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-100-PL1 Road 1 Longitudinal Section

BARG230130_ESS.01.PE_A Electric Sub Station Floor Plans and Elevations

BARG230130_CSE.01_B Coloured Street Elevations

BARG230130_GAR.01.PE_A Double Garage Floor Plans and Elevations 

BARG230130_GAR.01.PE_A Timber Shed Floor Plans and Elevations     

BARG230130_HT.2B.1(2BLK).E_A House Type 2b.1 (2-Block) Elevations 

BARG230130_HT.2B.1(2BLK).P_A House Type 2b.1 (2-Block) Floor Plans 

BARG230130_HT.3B.1-1(2BLK).E_A House Type 3b.1 (2 Block) Elevations Option 1

BARG230130_HT.3B.1-1(2BLK).P_A House Type 3b.1(2 Block) Floor Plans Option 1

BARG230130_HT.3B.1-1.E_A House Type 3b.1 Elevations Option 1        

BARG230130_HT.3B.1-1.P_A House Type 3b.1 (2 Block) Floor Plans Option 2

BARG230130_HT.3B.1-1.P_A House Type 3b.1 Floor Plans Option 1       

BARG230130_HT.3B.1-2.P_A House Type 3b.1 (2 Block) Floor Plans Option 2

BARG230130_HT.4B.1-1.E_A House Type 4b.1 Elevations Option 1        

BARG230130_HT.4B.1-1.P_A House Type 4b.1 Floor Plans Option 1       

BARG230130_HT.4B.1-2.E_A House Type 4b.1 Elevations Option 2        

BARG230130_HT.4B.1-2.P_A House Type 4b.1 House Plans Option 2    

BARG230130_HT.4B.2.E_A House Type 4b.2 Elevations 

BARG230130_HT.4B.2.P_A House Type 4b.2 Floor Plans             

BARG230130_HT.4B.3.E_A House Type 4b.3 Elevations 

BARG230130_HT.4B.3.P_A House Type 4b.3 Floor Plans             

BARG230130_HT.4B.4.E_A House Type 4b.4 Elevations 

BARG230130_HT.4B.4.P_A House Type 4b.4 Floor Plans             

BARG230130_HT.4B.5-1.E_A. House Type 4b.5 Elevations Option 1       

BARG230130_HT.4B.5-1.P_A. House Type 4b.5 Floor Plans Option 1      

BARG230130_HT.4B.5-2.E_A House Type 4b.5 Elevations Option 2 

BARG230130_HT.4B.5-2.P_A House Type 4b.5 Floor Plans Option 2       

BARG230130_P.1.E_A Plot 1 Elevations     

BARG230130_P.1.E_A Plot 1 Floor Plans   

BARG230130_P.13-14.E_A Plots 4-5 Elevations    

BARG230130_P.13-14.P_A Plots 13-14 Elevations            

BARG230130_P.13-14.P_A Plots 13-14 Floor Plans           

BARG230130_P.13-14.P_A Plots 4-5 Floor Plans   

BARG230130_P.16-20.E1_A Plots 16-20 Elevations Sheet 1 of 2 

BARG230130_P.16-20.E2_A Plots 16-20 Elevations Sheet 2 of 2 

BARG230130_P.16-20.P_A Plots 16-20 Floor Plans           

BARG230130_P.21.E_A Plot 21 Elevations             

BARG230130_P.21.P_A Plot 21 Floor Plans           

BARG230130_P.28.E_A Plot 28 Elevations             

BARG230130_P.28.P_A Plot 28 Floor Plans 

BARG230130_P.30-31.E_A Plots 30-31 Elevations            

BARG230130_P.30-31.P_A Plots 30-31 Floor Plans           

BARG230130_P.32-34.E_A Plots 32-34 Elevations            

BARG230130_P.32-34.P_A Plots 32-34 Floor Plans           

BARG230130_P.40-41.3_A Plots 40-41 Elevations             

BARG230130_P.40-41.P_A Plots 40-41 Floor Plans 

BARG230130_SE.01_B Street Elevations

BARG230130_SS.01_B Site Sections As Existing/As Proposed     

BBARG230130_HT.2BFOG.E_A House Type 2b Fog Elevations   

BBARG230130_HT.2BFOG.P_A House Type 2b Fog Floor Plans 

Transport Statement by Paul Basham Associates Ltd (September 2023)

Design Code BARG230130 DC-01 P2

Ecological Impact Assessment Final Document (Revision 2) by Ecosa (Dec, 2023)

Arboricultural Impact Appraisal and Method Statement by Barrell Tree Consultancy (ref. 20122?AIA?041223?JB, December 2023).

Noise Impact Assessment by 24 Acoustics, ref. R9060-1 Rev 5 (Nov, 2023)

Reason: - To ensure provision of a satisfactory development.


2.     No development shall take place until the Council has received evidence that the required nutrient mitigation capacity has been purchased to the development pursuant to the allocation agreement dated [to be inserted once agreement received] between (1) xyz (2) xyz (3) [developer].

Reason: There is existing evidence of high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water environment with evidence of eutrophication at some European designated nature conservation sites in the Solent catchment. The PUSH Integrated Water Management Strategy has identified that there is uncertainty as to whether new housing development can be accommodated without having a detrimental impact on the designated sites within the Solent. Further detail regarding this can be found in the appropriate assessment that was carried out regarding this planning application. In compliance with Regulation 63 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017, the local planning authority has a duty to ensure that sufficient mitigation is provided against any impacts which might arise upon the designated sites. In coming to this decision, the Council has also had regard to Policy CS11 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011.


3.     Notwithstanding the submitted details, no development on site shall commence until details of a supervision programme for works to be undertaken close to or impacting on trees has been submitted to and approved by Local Planning Authority in writing. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans.

Reason: To ensure that reasonable measures are taken to safeguard trees in the interests of local amenity and the enhancement of the development itself in accordance with Policies CS11, CS16 and DM8 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework (2023).


4.     Notwithstanding the details submitted, no development shall take place on site until the following detail has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:

a)     the provision of a levels difference between the margin and the road, outside of the front door of Plot 29;

b)     measures to prevent a parking of cars to the south and east of plot 1 and to the east of plot 2;

c)     the widening of the footway link to a minimum of 2.5m from Plots 39-41 to connect to the proposed secondary cycle route;

d)     details of surfacing materials (including the margin strip within the parking court serving Plots 22-27);

e)     details of wayfinding facilities;

f)       details of site levels;

g)     details of the crossing locations throughout the development including cycle access points.

h)     details of how the Golpla gravel material will be retained so as not to enter the highway.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety in accordance with Policy CS20 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework (2023).


5.     The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until:

(a)        A water efficiency calculation in accordance with the Government's National Calculation Methodology for assessing water efficiency in new dwellings has been undertaken which demonstrates that no more than 110 litres of water per person per day shall be consumed within the development, and this calculation has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority; and

(b)        All measures necessary to meet the approved water efficiency calculation have been installed.

Reason: There is existing evidence of high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water environment with evidence of eutrophication at some European designated nature conservation sites in the Solent catchment. The PUSH Integrated Water Management Strategy has identified that there is uncertainty as to whether new housing development can be accommodated without having a detrimental impact on the designated sites within the Solent. Further detail regarding this can be found in the appropriate assessment that was carried out regarding this planning application. In compliance with Regulation 63 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017, the local planning authority has a duty to ensure that sufficient mitigation is provided against any impacts which might arise upon the designated sites. In coming to this decision, the Council has also had regard to Policy CS11 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011.


6.     Development shall be undertaken in line with the recommendations and procedures contained in the Ecological Impact Assessment Final Document (Revision 2) by Ecosa (December, 2023) and the Arboricultural impact appraisal and method statement by Barrell Tree Consultancy (ref. 20122?AIA?041223?JB, December 2023).

Reason: To protect and enhance biodiversity features on site and to ensure that reasonable measures are taken to safeguard trees in the interests of local amenity and the enhancement of the development itself in accordance with Policies CS11 and CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework (2023).


7.     No development above slab level shall take place until a scheme of sensitive lighting (during the operational life of the development), designed to minimise impacts on wildlife, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter the approved lighting scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To protect biodiversity on site in accordance with Policy CS11 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework (2023).


8.     Notwithstanding the submitted details, no development on Plot 25 shall occur until further detailed plans for the dwelling on this Plot have been submitted to and approved by Local Planning Authority in writing. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans.

Reason: To ensure an appropriate, high quality development, of suitable architectural detailing, through the suitable use of materials, in accordance with Policies CS11 and CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework (2023).


9.     The development shall permit the public to pass and repass over the internal road network for the purposes of access to and egress from the development in perpetuity and shall thereafter be retained and maintained for the lifetime of the development.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to safeguard the amenities of the locality in accordance with Policy CS20 and Policy CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework (2023).


10.  Notwithstanding the details submitted, no development above ground slab level shall occur until details of an opportunity for an alternative cycle route provision running to the west of Plots 31-23 have been submitted to the Local Planning Authority, and the Local Planning Authority have confirmed whether that route is to be implemented. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to promote safe and convenient cycling within the application site in accordance with Policy CS20 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework (2023).


11.  The development shall not be brought into use until all junction visibility splays and forward visibility splays as indicated on the approved plans in which there should be no obstruction to visibility exceeding 0.6 metres in height above the adjacent carriageway channel line have been completed. Such visibility splays shall thereafter be retained for the lifetime of the development.

Reason: To provide and maintain adequate visibility in the interests of highway safety in accordance with Policy CS20 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework (2023).


12.  No development above slab level shall take place until details of the acoustic barriers shown in the Noise Impact Assessment by 24 Acoustics, ref. R9060-1 Rev 5 (November 2023) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and the acoustic barriers shall be retained in perpetuity.

Reason: To secure quality residential environment, in terms of noise levels in accordance with Policy CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011, Policy DM18 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Allocations) 2014 and the National Planning Policy Framework (2023).


13.  No development above slab level shall take place until full construction details of the proposed development, including glazing and ventilation strategies, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved details shall show that the noise levels within all habitable rooms shall comply with the recommendations of BS8233:2014 ‘Guidance on Sound Insulation and Noise Reduction for Buildings’ as follows:

a)     Internal daytime noise levels shall not exceed 35 dB LAeq, 16 hour in living rooms

b)     Internal night-time noise levels shall not exceed 30 dB LAeq, 8 hour in bedrooms

c)     Internal night-time noise levels shall not exceed 45 dB LAMax more than 10 times a night in bedrooms

d)     External daytime noise levels shall not exceed 55dB LAeq, 16 hour in external amenity areas.

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To secure quality residential environment, in terms of internal noise levels in accordance with Policy CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011, Policy DM18 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Allocations) 2014  and the National Planning Policy Framework (2023).


14.  No dwelling shall be occupied until a post completion noise survey has been undertaken by a suitably qualified acoustic consultant, and a report submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The post completion testing shall determine compliance with the noise impact assessment as provided 24 Acoustics, ref. R9060-1 Rev 5 (Nov, 2023). A method statement should be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority prior to the survey being undertaken. Such survey should be achieved using at least 3 sample dwellings, being one nearest the intersection of Bartons Road & Horndean Road, one nearest the Horndean Road boundary midway down this boundary, and lastly one near bottom of this boundary. The post completion testing shall assess performance of the noise mitigation measures against the noise levels as set in condition 13 (above).

Reason: To secure quality residential environment, in terms of internal noise levels in accordance with Policy CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011, Policy DM18 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Allocations) 2014 and the National Planning Policy Framework (2023).


15.  No development above slab level shall take place until an overheating assessment has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The assessment shall be undertaken in accordance with CIBSE TM59 (2017) and shall demonstrate that indoor temperatures will be acceptable in the absence of open windows. Any scheme/s or measures to mitigate overheating should be included with the Acoustic Design Statement or in the approved plans for the development. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To secure quality residential environment and to avoid overheating of indoor areas in accordance with Policy CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework (2023).


16.  At all times following occupation of the development hereby approved, all measures for water usage within the submitted nutrient budget shall be maintained in the development in perpetuity.

Reason: There is existing evidence of high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water environment with evidence of eutrophication at some European designated nature conservation sites in the Solent catchment. The PUSH Integrated Water Management Strategy has identified that there is uncertainty as to whether new housing development can be accommodated without having a detrimental impact on the designated sites within the Solent. Further detail regarding this can be found in the appropriate assessment that was carried out regarding this planning application. In compliance with Regulation 63 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017, the local planning authority has a duty to ensure that sufficient mitigation is provided against any impacts which might arise upon the designated sites. In coming to this decision, the Council has also had regard to Policy CS11 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011.



Meeting Attendees

Councillor Mark Coates photo
Committee Member
Councillor Mark Coates


Present, as expected

Councillor Grainne Rason photo
Committee Member
Councillor Grainne Rason


Present, as expected

Councillor Brenda Linger photo
Committee Member
Vice Chairman of Audit and Finance Committee
Councillor Brenda Linger



Councillor David Keast photo
Chairman of Planning Committee
Councillor David Keast


Present, as expected

Councillor Diana Patrick photo
Chairman of Councillor Development Panel
Councillor Diana Patrick


Present, as expected

Councillor Elizabeth Lloyd  (formerly known as Dianne) photo
Cabinet Lead for Planning, Environment and Water Quality
Councillor Elizabeth Lloyd (formerly known as Dianne)


Present, as expected

Councillor Husky Patel photo
Standing Deputy
Chairman of Planning Policy Committee
Councillor Husky Patel


Not required

Councillor James Blades photo
Standing Deputy
Councillor James Blades


Not required

Councillor Sarah Milne photo
Standing Deputy
Councillor Sarah Milne


Not required

Councillor Tony Denton photo
Committee Member
Councillor Tony Denton



Councillor Yvonne Weeks photo
Committee Member
Councillor Yvonne Weeks


Present, as expected

Democratic Services Officer
Mark Gregory



Democratic Services Officer
Ernest Lam



Previous Committee Meetings


9th Jul 2024 Planning Committee


23rd May 2024 Planning Committee (Cancelled)


4th Apr 2024 Planning Committee (Cancelled)


14th Mar 2024 Planning Committee (Cancelled)


1st Feb 2024 Planning Committee (Cancelled)

Future Committee Meetings


This meeting detail is from Havant Borough Council website