Test Valley Borough Council Test Valley Association of Parish and Town Councils Meeting

June 22, 2023, 7:30 p.m.


This is a meeting of the Test Valley Association of Parish and Town Councils of Test Valley Borough Council held on the 22nd Jun 2023.

The last meeting of the Test Valley Association of Parish and Town Councils was on the 23rd May 2024, and the next meeting will be 21st Sep 2024.

Meeting Status


Agenda Published


Decisions Published


Minutes Published


Meeting Location

Meeting Recordings

We know of no meeting recordings. If you know of one, let us know.


Item Title Minutes
1 Presentation From Hampshire County Council Executive Lead Member for Universal Services

Councillor Nick Adams-King, Hampshire County Council Executive Lead Member for Universal Services presented details of his portfolio, in particular highway maintenance and waste collection.


Hampshire County Council (HCC) was the third largest shire council in the country and delivered public services to almost 1.4 million residents including services for children, social care and health, household waste and recycling centres, countryside services and road maintenance with a spend of £2.4 billion a year.


In Hampshire, HCC maintains 5,500 miles of carriageway and 4,237 miles of footway. Every day in Hampshire 450,00 people drive to work with 22,500,000 car miles driven daily across the road network.


Extremes in weather conditions over the past 12 months have caused Hampshire’s local road network to deteriorate significantly. Whilst HCC had repaired more than twice the average number of road defects in 22/23, pothole-related enquiries in the current calendar year are significantly higher than those seen in previous years.


It is estimated that 6.8% of the local road network now requires structural treatment, compared with 6.0% two years ago. Each 1% increase costs an estimated £19m to repair.


HCC have invested in two additional road patching crews and would be considering additional funding for highway maintenance at its Cabinet meeting in July. It was noted that in some instances the defects were filled temporarily with an infill to make them safe before a permanent repair was undertake later. The type of repair undertaken was determined by the road, the issue itself and the environment.


Councillor Adams-King advised that it was anticipated that the County’s policy on 20mph limits would be published in the Autumn. HCC would be refreshing community funded initiatives as well as parish involvement in hedge/ ditch management and a review of verge management.


Councillor Adams-King provided an overview of changes to waste collection in Test Valley which would be introduced from Summer 2024 which would include the introduction of weekly food collection and a new blue bin for the collection of plastics, tetra-paks and in time glass.


Members of the association asked a number of questions and made comments throughout the presentation. The Chairman thanks Councillor Adams-King for his presentation.









2 Preventing homelessness and rough sleeping workshop

Sam Hall, Housing Manager and Helen Taylor, Housing Development & Standards Manager presented details of the work being undertaken to develop the Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC) Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy.


The Strategy is a statutory document and will set out a key strategic plan for homelessness across Test Valley that will take the Council forward from 2024. The Strategy sets out the Council’s priorities and how it intends to prevent homelessness and rough sleeping.


Due to a range of factors the service was seeing increasing demand for all forms of affordable housing. The housing service provided a range of services including support for mental health, outreach services, a refugees support team and a resettlement service.


The association engaged in a discussion to understand what representatives felt were the biggest challenges to meeting housing need and preventing homelessness and what might be needed to support those issues identified.


Officer thanked those in attendance for their feedback and noted that this would be incorporated into the development of the new draft strategy.

3 To elect a Chair

Clive Ward was confirmed as Chair of the Association for the coming year.

4 To elect a Vice Chair

Fiona Collier was confirmed as Vice Chair of the Association for the coming year.

5 Election of Representatives (current representatives shown below)

The following representatives were confirmed for the coming year.


Hampshire Association of Local Councils (4)

·  Clive Ward - Charlton

·  Fiona Collier - West Tytherley and Frenchmoor 

·  Luigi Gregori - Andover Town

·  Vacancy


Test Valley Strategic Partnership Steering Group (2)

·  Clive Ward - Charlton 

·  John Parker - Romsey Town


Central Hampshire Road Safety Council (1)

·  Vacancy

6 Statement of Accounts 2022/23 TVAPTC Accounts to 31 March 2023

The Statement of Accounts for 2022/ 2023 were confirmed.

8 Items for Future Meetings

Members of the Association were asked to considered any topics for future meetings and in particular the annual TVAPTC/ TVBC conference which was due to be held on 30 September 2023.

Meeting Attendees

Democratic Services Manager
Emma Silverton



Previous Committee Meetings


23rd May 2024 Test Valley Association of Parish and Town Councils


7th Mar 2024 Test Valley Association of Parish and Town Councils


23rd Nov 2023 Test Valley Association of Parish and Town Councils


30th Sep 2023 Test Valley Association of Parish and Town Councils


22nd Jun 2023 Test Valley Association of Parish and Town Councils


23rd Feb 2023 Test Valley Association of Parish and Town Councils


24th Nov 2022 Test Valley Association of Parish and Town Councils


6th Jul 2022 Test Valley Association of Parish and Town Councils


24th Feb 2022 Test Valley Association of Parish and Town Councils


25th Oct 2021 Test Valley Association of Parish and Town Councils

Future Committee Meetings


21st Sep 2024 Test Valley Association of Parish and Town Councils


21st Nov 2024 Test Valley Association of Parish and Town Councils


This meeting detail is from Test Valley Borough Council website