This is a meeting of the Cabinet of Eastleigh Borough Council held on the 7th Dec 2023.
The last meeting of the Cabinet was on the 16th Jan 2025, and the next meeting will be 20th Feb 2025.
Rooms 16/17, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh, SO50 9YN
Item | Title | Minutes |
2 | Declarations of Interest |
There were no declarations of interest in relation to items of business on the agenda. |
3 | Minutes |
Minutes of Previous Meeting
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 October 2023 be agreed as a correct record. |
4 | Public Participation |
There was no public participation on this occasion. |
4. 1 | Proposals on new hospital investment in Hampshire |
Proposals on new hospital investment in Hampshire
Appendix 1 Summary background briefing Issue
On 30 November 2023, the NHS published details on proposals for a consultation into how between £700 million and £900 million would best be invested in hospital services across northern and central Hampshire (including Eastleigh).
The proposals will result in two acute hospitals for the area, with refurbishment of the Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester and the building of a brand-new specialist acute hospital on either the existing Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital site, or at a new location near Junction 7 of the M3. (Paper 4a)
While some services would be retained and improved at Winchester, Accident and Emergency services would be relocated to the new hospital under all options.
The proposals were discussed at Board meetings of both the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board and Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust on 6 December 2023. Subject to approval of both boards, a public consultation on the proposals will then be launched on 11 December 2023, for 14 weeks, and close at midnight on 17 March 2024.
That Cabinet noted the NHS proposal to discontinue Accident and Emergency services at the Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester.
Councillor Liz Jarvis moved the following urgent motion (in agreement with the Chair) seconded by Councillor Keith House.
Cabinet notes that the consultation from the Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICB and Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to reconfigure hospital services in central and north Hampshire, and welcomes the proposed refurbishment of the Royal Hampshire County Hospital and new hospital provision at Junction 7 of the M3.
Cabinet is concerned:
- that the proposals to discontinue A&E services at Winchester could have a considerable impact on residents living in the northern wards of Eastleigh borough, as well as putting additional pressure on staff at Southampton General Hospital and reducing services for all; - that Eastleigh residents living in the northern wards of the borough could be put in the position of having to travel around 26 miles to Basingstoke for emergency and urgent care; - that residents in the southern wards could find it more difficult to access emergency care at Southampton General Hospital as the result of increased pressure on services, and - that consultant-led obstetric services for women living in Eastleigh borough could be affected.”
Cabinet agrees to
(1) resolve to call upon Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICB and Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to maintain A&E services for serious injuries and life-threatening emergencies at Winchester, and to seek reassurance that consultant-led obstetric services for women living in the borough will not be affected. (2) resolve to write to Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICB and Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to request that the extent of the consultation is widened to include the whole Borough.
That the motion as amended be approved.
5 | Recommendations from Committees |
There were no recommendations from Committees on this occasion. |
6 | Corporate Performance and Financial Monitoring |
Corporate Finance and Performance Report Q2 2023-24
Appendix A - Corporate KPI Listing Cabinet Quarter 2 2023-24 Appendix B - Treasury Management Half Yearly Report 2324 Appendix C - Community Investment Programme Appendix D - Risk Assesement Appendix E - Prudential Indicators Appendix F - Corporate Continuous Improvement Programme Appendix G - Medium-Term Financial Plan Issue
The financial monitoring for the second quarter of 2023/24 is forecasting an increased adverse variance for services against the Rolling Budget totalling (£1.2M). This is offset by £995,000 net saving in interest. If this is the final position for the year, it will require an additional draw on the General Fund of £225,000. This position is only possible by mitigating the service cost through the interest reserve, impairing the interest reserve balance, and reducing its efficacy in future years. (Paper 6)
Regular monitoring and management of the Council’s operational and financial performance is essential to understanding and supporting delivery against the corporate themes set out in the Council’s Corporate Plan 2023-2026 and contributes to the management of corporate risk.
That Cabinet:
(1) noted the performance for the second quarter of the year and forecast financial position of a £225,000 draw on the General Fund Reserve and consider any recommendations from Policy and Performance Scrutiny Panel;
(2) noted the performance of Treasury Management in Appendix B;
(3) noted the performance of the Community Investment Programme in Appendix C;
(4) approved the Prudential Indicators for Quarter 2 of 2023/24 financial year in Appendix E;
(5) approved the revised targets for Continuous Improvement in Appendix F;
(6) approved distribution of the vacancy management target to services (para 34);
(7) approved £124,000 for the appointment of interim staff in the Commercial Property team, funded through increased income / Investment Properties reserve (para 40);
(8) approved £60,000pa for a new Housing & HRA Business Partner funded from the housing programme (para 63);
(9) approved additional transfers to/from earmarked reserves (para 64); and
(10) approved the revised action plan to reduce the projected service overspend (para 77-83). |
7 | Corporate Fees and Charges |
Corporate Fees and Charges 2024
Corporate Fees and Charges Appendices Revised Corporate Fees and Charges 2024 v2 Revised Corporate Fees and Charges Appendices Issue
Fees and Charges for Council services are reviewed on a regular basis. In accordance with the Budget Plan, fees and charges levied by the Council are reviewed annually with the intention of any changes being introduced, where possible, with effect from January 2024. (Paper 7)
The purpose of the report is to outline proposed changes to corporate fees and charges levied for services by the Council and approved by Cabinet. A target for a minimum increase in yield of 7.8% for all fees and charges has been set, to be implemented, where possible, from January 2024, reflecting the national level of inflation during 2023.
That Cabinet approved all proposed fees and charges in Appendices A to I to come into effect on the dates outlined in the report.
[Note: Amendments were made to paragraphs 15 and 18 of the report and to the VAT status within the appendices for some of the Land Searches charges. The amended versions have been appended to the minutes.] |
8 | Write Off of Irrecoverable Debts 2022/23 |
Bad Debt Report
The Service Director - Finance, Improvement and Housing and the Deputy Chief Executive (Chief Financial Officer) have exercised delegated powers to write-off debts below £5,000 and those in excess of £5,000 where bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings have been instituted. (Paper 8)
Councillors are aware that the Service Director - Finance, Improvement and Housing is authorised within the Constitution’s Scheme of Delegation to write-off debts of £5,000 or less in respect of Housing Benefits, Council Tax and Business Rates (NNDR) respectively. The Deputy Chief Executive (Chief Financial Officer) is authorised to write-off debts of £5,000 or less and debts over this amount where bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings have been instituted. Anything outside of these limits should be approved by Cabinet.
That Cabinet:
(1) considered any recommendations from Audit & Resources Committee;
(2) noted debts of £5,000 or under approved for write off by the Service Director - Finance, Improvement and Housing relating to Council Tax, Business Rates (NNDR) and Housing Benefits with a net total of £111,415.44;
(3) noted debts relating to bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings, approved for write off by the Deputy Chief Executive (Chief Financial Officer) relating to Council Tax, Business Rates (NNDR) and Housing Benefits with a net total of £360,031.12;
(4) noted debts of £5,000 or under, approved for write off by the Deputy Chief Executive (Chief Financial Officer) relating to Sundry Debtors with a net total of £9,415.34;
(5) noted debts relating to bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings, approved for write off by the Deputy Chief Executive (Chief Financial Officer) relating to Sundry Debtors with a net total of £7,857.35;
(6) approved the write-off of debts of six debtors in excess of £5,000 totalling £60,930.80 relating to Housing Benefit Overpayments; and
(7) approved the write-off of debts of two debtors in excess of £5,000 totalling £19,000.69 relating to National Non Domestic Rates (NNDR).
9 | Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document |
Affordable Housing SPD
Affordable Housing SPD App 1 Affordable Housing SPD App 2 Issue
The Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides guidance on the provision of affordable housing on appropriate development sites. It updates the existing guidance, first published in 2011 and updated in 2015. This is the final version with limited changes following public consultation on the draft SPD in July-September 2023. (Paper 9)
Once adopted, the Affordable Housing SPD will become part of the Council’s policy framework. It will be used by Development Management when negotiating new development proposals and determining planning applications.
That Cabinet:
(1) approved the Eastleigh Borough Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document for adoption; and
(2) delegated authority to the Planning Policy Manager to make minor editing changes to the document prior to publication. |
10 | Revised Statement of Community Involvement |
Revised Statement of Community Involvement
Revised Statement of Community Involvement App 1 Revised Statement of Community Involvement App 2 Issue
On 15 June 2023, Cabinet agreed to publish the draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) for consultation as part of the start of the Local Plan Review. The SCI details how the Council will consult and engage on planning matters including the preparation of the Local Plan and planning applications. A revised version has now been prepared with limited changes following public consultation in June - September 2023. (Paper 10)
It is a legislative requirement that local planning authorities prepare a statement of their policy for involving people in the preparation of Local Plans and other policy documents and on planning applications.
That Cabinet:
(1) Approved the revised Statement of Community Involvement for adoption; and
(2) Delegated authority to the Planning Policy Manager to make minor editing changes to the document prior to publication.
[Note: an additional bullet point under para 8.14 was proposed to state – ‘For major and contentious applications where major changes are proposed during the application stage, applicants will be encouraged to undertake further local community engagement’.] |
11 | Cap on Safe and Legal Routes |
Cap on Safe and Legal Routes
Cap on Safe and Legal Routes App 1 Issue
The Secretary of State launched a consultation on the cap on safe and legal routes on 20 October 2023. The consultation will be open until 15 December 2023. (Paper 11)
Local authorities are asked to commit to a capacity to house and support people coming through (additional) safe and legal asylum routes in the calendar year 2025.
That Cabinet considered the options and agrees how to respond to the Government consultation on the cap on safe and legal routes. |
12 | Exempt Business |
There was no discussion on the exempt appendix therefore there was no need to go into exempt business. |
13 | Cap on Safe and Legal Routes Appendix 2 |
Cap on Safe and Legal Routes App 2 EXEMPT
Item | Title | Minutes |
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
In attendance
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
Present, as expected
Liberal Democrat
16th Jan 2025 Cabinet
14th Jan 2025 Cabinet
5th Dec 2024 Cabinet
19th Nov 2024 Cabinet
24th Oct 2024 Cabinet
26th Sep 2024 Cabinet
31st Jul 2024 Cabinet
15th Jul 2024 Cabinet
11th Jul 2024 Cabinet
26th Jun 2024 Cabinet
20th Feb 2025 Cabinet
24th Feb 2025 Cabinet
20th Mar 2025 Cabinet
22nd May 2025 Cabinet
12th Jun 2025 Cabinet
17th Jul 2025 Cabinet
25th Sep 2025 Cabinet
23rd Oct 2025 Cabinet
4th Dec 2025 Cabinet