Councillor Andrew McCormick

Labour and Co-Operative Party

Basingstoke & Dean Borough Council, Brighton Hill

profile photo

Councillor Profile


Brighton Hill for Basingstoke & Dean Borough Council


Labour and Co-Operative Party

Profile Link

Polly Tix Profile

Special Posts

Chair of the Development Control Committee


[email protected]
07879 436 985


May 10, 2023 to May 6, 2027


  1. Not required
  2. Present, as expected
  3. Present, as expected
  4. Not required
  5. Not required
  6. Not required
  7. Present, as expected
  8. Committee Member
    Oct. 19, 2023 Council
    Present, as expected
  9. Present, as expected
  10. Apologies
  11. Cancelled Not required
  12. Not required
  13. Not required
  14. Present, as expected
  15. Not required
  16. Not required
  17. Present, as expected
  18. Committee Member
    Dec. 14, 2023 Council
    Present, as expected
  19. In attendance
  20. Present, as expected
  21. Not required
  22. Present, as substitute
  23. Not required
  24. In attendance
  25. Present, as expected
  26. Committee Member
    Feb. 22, 2024 Council
    Present, as expected
  27. Not required
  28. Present, as expected
  29. Not required
  30. Not required
  31. Not required
  32. Committee Member
    March 21, 2024 Council
  33. Expected
  34. Committee Member
    May 9, 2024 Council
    Present, as expected
  35. Present, as expected
  36. Committee Member
    May 16, 2024 Council
  37. Expected
  38. Not required
  39. Cancelled Not required
  40. Expected
  41. Committee Member
    July 18, 2024 Council
  42. Not required
  43. Not required
  44. Expected
  45. Expected
  46. Not required
  47. Not required
  48. Not required
  49. Expected
  50. Committee Member
    Oct. 17, 2024 Council